Examines North-South trade in commodities, services and tourism; transnational corporations and free trade zones; and international financial systems. Also considers alternative South-North trade and looks at changes needed to improve terms of trade.
Part 1 Management: Management of irrigation maintenance, Peter Barker, et al; The nze ndi kano communication campaign, Agnes Bitature; Motivation for NRW control, Geoff Bridges; Women, water, sanitation in South West Uganda, Edward Bwengye-kahororo; Can rural women manage water? F. Mawuenda Dose et al; Skills and management training for sustainability, David Kane; Parastatal development - institutional strengthening, J.G.B. Mitchell et al; An approach for community-based sustainability, Patrick O et al; Role of industries in sustaining water quality, F.A.O. Otieno; Participatory techniques and didactic methods, J.V. Pinfold; Demand-driven approach for sustainability, Anu Saxen-Rosendahl; The World -Wide Web and sustainable development, Rod Shaw; Buying into rural water systems, Michael Wood, Negash Dina. Part 2 Water and the environment: Community-oriented hygiene and sanitation, Moses Bagbiele et al; the early recognition of environmental impacts, C. Binder et al; Sustainability in Guinea worm eradication programme, Eka I. Braide et al; Sustaining health from water and sanitation systems, Steven A. Esrey; Reducing water losses in Vietnam, Malcolm Farley; Natural coagulants - a sustainable approach, Geoff Folkard et al; Pump and engine maintenance scheme, Richard Ntonga, Theron Scott Robson; Dam maintenance Fati Mumuni; Water supply in Rwanda (1995): from war to sustainability, P,G, Membrini; Sustainable community water supply in Nigeria, Abimbola Odumosu; With water only metres away, Cyril H.A. Ratnam; Averting shallow well contamination in Uganda. Part 3 Rural water supply and sanitation: Reconstruction development plan - Hlanganani, Rob Burgess, M. Slabbert; Sustainability with large communally-owned systems, Brian Copekand; Village-level operation and maintenance, Claus R. Jesperson; Singida integrated rural development project, Peter H. Killewo et al; Sustainability of community water supply, John Situma Mukhwana, Jarmo J, Hukka; Spring protection - sustainability water supply, James Mwami; Ferrocement water storage tanks, Brian H. Skinner; Sustainability of Kaborole shallow wells, Mtwalib, Walude; The gravity flow schemes programme in Uganda, N. Wobusobozi et al; Sustainable rural Watsan management in Bolgatanga, George Aduko Yanore. Part 4 Sanitation and waste: Community initiatives in solid waste, Mansoor Ali, Darren Saywell; Increasing sewer longevity by septicity control, K. Alibhai et al; Solid waste management in Addis Ababa, Paul Arnold; Sustaining quality by control of industrial discharges, Derek Harrington, Karim Alibhai. (Part contents).