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Chapters by a distinguished group of international authors on various aspects of Underground Injection Science and Technology are organized into seven sections addressing specific topics of interest. In the first section the chapters focus on the history of deep underground injection as well regulatory issues, future trends and risk analysis. The next section contains ten chapters dealing with well testing and hydrologic modeling. Section 3, consisting of five chapters, addresses various aspects of the chemical processes affecting the fate of the waste in the subsurface environment. Consideration is given here to reactions between the waste and the geologic medium, and reactions that take place within the waste stream itself.
The remaining four sections deal with experience relating to injection of, respectively, liquid wastes, liquid radioactive wastes in Russia, slurried solids, and compressed carbon dioxide. Chapters in Section 4, cover a diverse range of other issues concerning the injection of liquid wastes including two that deal with induced seismicity. In Section 5, Russian scientists have contributed several chapters revealing their knowledge and experience of the deep injection disposal of high-level radioactive liquid processing waste. Section 6 consists of five chapters that cover the technology surrounding the injection disposal of waste slurries. Among the materials considered are drilling wastes, bone meal, and biosolids. Finally, four chapters in Section 7 deal with questions relating to carbon dioxide sequestration in deep sedimentary aquifers. This subject is particularly topical as nations grapple with the problem of controlling the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Preface. History, Regulation, and Risk Assessment. 1. An Overview of Injection Well History in the United States of America (J. Clark, D.K. Bonura, R.F. Van Voorhees). 2. Deep Injection Disposal of Liquid Radioactive Waste in Russia, 1963-2002: Results and Consequences (A.I. Rybalchenko et al.). 3. Applications of Deep Well Injection of Industrial and Municipal Waste Water in Texas (B. Knape). 4. Why Current Regulations Protect Florida's Subsurface Environment (A. Muniz, M. Tobon, F. Bloetscher). 5. An Interpretation of the Safe Drinking Water Act's "Non-Endangerment" Standard for the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program (B. Kobelski, R.E. Smith, A.L. Whitehurst). 6. The Appropriate Methodology for Determining the Use of a Fixed Radius Area of Review or Zone of Endangering Influence When Conducting an Area of Review Analysis for Underground Injection Control Operations (S. Platt, D. Rectenwald). 7. Analysis of Injectate Location at the DuPont Beaumont Works (J.W. Mercer et al.). 8. Aquifer Storage and Recovery Wells in Florida: How and When Will Impact be Regulated? (A. Muniz, M. Tobon, F. Bloetscher). 9. Alaska-Sakhalinsk 2002 Symposium Discussion of UIC in Arctic Oilfields (T. Cutler, D. Thurston). 10. A Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Class I Hazardous Waste Injection Wells (W.R. Rish). Well Testing and Hydrologic Studies. 11. Replacing Annual Shut-in Well Tests by Analysis of Regular Injection Data: Field-Case Feasibility Study (D. Silin, C.-F. Tsang, H. Gerrish). 12. Experimental Study of Injection Interval Hydraulic Isolation from Overlying Formation at the Disposal Site of Siberian Chemical Complex Using High-accuracy Hydraulic Head Measurements (A.A. Zubkov et al.). 13. Gulf Coast Borehole Closure Test Well near Orange, Texas (J.E. Clark et al.). 14. Interpretation of Transient Permeability Tests to Analyze the Evolution of a Brine-Filled Salt Cavern (A. Behr). 15. Potential Corrosion and Microbiological Mechanisms and Detection Techniques in Solution Mining and Hydrocarbon Storage Wells (K. Davis, L.K. McDonald). 16. Characterization of Subsurface Heterogeneity: Integration of Soft and Hard Information using Multidimensional Coupled Markov Chain Approach (E. Park, A. Elfeki, M. Dekking). 17. Modeling of Waste Injection in Heterogeneous Sandy-Clay Formations (S.P. Pozdniakov et al.). 18. Non-Darcy Flow Behavior Near High-Flux Injection Wells in Porous and Fractured Formations (Y-S. Wu). 19. Modeling Density Changes in Hazardous Disposal Well Plumes (R.G. Larkin, J.E. Clark). 20. Leakoff Modeling of Fluid Injected in Gas Reservoir upon Fracture Stimulation (A. Behr, G. Mtchedlishvili). Geochemistry. 21. Predicting Trace-Metal Fate in Aqueous Systems Using a Coupled Equilibrium-Surface-Complexation, Dynamic-Simulation Model (J.A. Dyer et al.). 22. Review of the Studies of Radionuclide Adsorption/Desorption with Application to Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites in the Russian Federation (V.G. Rumynin et al.). 23. Investigation of Chemi
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