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Amphibians and Reptiles of Morocco

Flora / Fauna Identification Key
By: Gabriel Martínez del Mármol(Author), D James Harris(Author), Philippe Geniez(Author), Philip de Pous(Author), Daniele Salvi(Author)
478 pages, 982 colour photos, 117 colour distribution maps
Publisher: Edition Chimaira
A richly illustrated herpetofauna for Morocco with distribution maps and identification keys.
Amphibians and Reptiles of Morocco
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  • Amphibians and Reptiles of Morocco ISBN: 9783899731170 Hardback Sep 2019 In stock
Price: £99.99
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Amphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of MoroccoAmphibians and Reptiles of Morocco

About this book

Morocco is one of the most biodiverse regions in North Africa and its herpetofauna has been the subject of numerous studies, being well-known compared to other North African countries. In addition to this, Morocco has been considered a main tourist destination in recent years. There are many visitors to Morocco with different aims that typically encounter many species of amphibians and reptiles. A comprehensive guide for Morocco is essential to help in the identification of species, both for scientists and other enthusiasts.

Amphibians and Reptiles of Morocco presents useful information on the identification and general biology of all 117 terrestrial reptile and amphibian species occurring in Morocco including details of each species with an updated textual description, colourful images, common names, distribution in Morocco and range, habitat, biology, taxonomic remarks and distribution maps. Furthermore, Amphibians and Reptiles of Morocco include keys to the identification of each genus and species, a part about the bioclimate and biogeography of Morocco and its conservation issues.

Customer Reviews

Flora / Fauna Identification Key
By: Gabriel Martínez del Mármol(Author), D James Harris(Author), Philippe Geniez(Author), Philip de Pous(Author), Daniele Salvi(Author)
478 pages, 982 colour photos, 117 colour distribution maps
Publisher: Edition Chimaira
A richly illustrated herpetofauna for Morocco with distribution maps and identification keys.
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