Reprint of a work originally published in 1991.
Published in conjunction with the Palaeontological Association. The author relates ecological information on living forms to the palaeoecology of fossil species. A major part of the book is devoted to a regional synthesis of their distribution in environments ranging from supratidal marshes to the deepest parts of the ocean. From this base, general features of the distribution patterns are drawn and ecological controls discussed.
- Life processes
- stable isotope studies
- population dynamics
- relationship between living and dead assemblages
- Atlantic seaboard of North America
- gulf of Mexico and Caribbean
- Atlantic seaboard of South America
- Atlantic seaboard of Europe and Africa
- Atlantic ocean
- Mediterranean
- Indian ocean
- western margin of the Pacific ocean
- eastern margin of the Pacific ocean
- Pacific ocean
- Southern ocean
- Arctic ocean
- summary of modern distribution patterns and characteristics of assemblages
- palaeoecology. Appendices: methods
- ecological data for selected genera
- faunal reference list
...a most attractively produced book, clearly printed...neat and clear diagrams...good photomicrographic plates...packed with biogeographic, synecological and methodological information. Journal of Natural History