Language: Chinese with English figure captions, summary, and keys; and scientific nomenclature
Jumping spiders are found throughout the world. The spiders of the family Salticidae are small in size, diverse in shape, colourful, and have a wide distribution range. They are good at jumping, are highly mobile, do not form webs, and live a hunting life. They have a fierce temperament. They are resistant to drought and hunger and retain the habit of hunting and killing pests under non-starvation conditions. It is an important predatory natural enemy in many types of ecosystems such as agriculture and forestry. It plays an important role in controlling crops, forests, grassland pests and maintaining the ecological balance of nature. This volume describes a total of 386 species of Chinese jumping spiders in 85 genera. The content is divided into two parts: general theory and species entries. The summary gives a brief history, morphological characteristics, classification system, economic significance, and materials and methods for the study of Arachnida. The species monographs describe in detail the morphological characteristics of families, genera and species; literature citations; details of specimens studied; and geographical distribution. Detailed morphological and male and female external genital structures are drawn, and a species key is compiled. References, English abstracts, Chinese name index and scientific name index are included at the end of the book.
Summary in Chinese:
跳蛛科是蜘蛛目中种类较多的科之一,全世界已有记录的跳蛛多达500余属4400余种。该科蜘蛛体形小,形态多姿,体色多彩,分布范围极为广泛,善跳跃,活动能力强,不结网,游猎生活,性情凶猛,专捕活虫为食或杀而弃之,食量大,耐干旱与饥饿,在非饥饿状况下仍具有捕杀害虫的习性,是农林等多类生态系统中重要的捕食性天敌。在控制农作物、森林、草原害虫及维护自然界的生态平衡方面发挥着重要作用。《中国动物志 无脊椎动物 蛛形纲 蜘蛛目 跳蛛科》共记述了中国跳蛛85属386种。内容分总论和各论两部分。总论扼要综述了跳蛛科的研究简史、形态特征、分类系统、经济意义和材料与方法。各论中详细记述了科、属、种的形态特征、文献引证、观察标本、地理分布,并绘制了详细的形态及雌雄外生殖器结构特征图,编制了种检索表。书末附有参考文献、英文摘要、中名索引和学名索引。