This guide introduces many of the wonderful qualities and benefits of this special habitat. An informative introduction explains mangroves. This is followed by descriptions of key species found in the Sundarbans, India, each illustrated with colourful photographs and factual stories. You will learn that mangroves are unusually tolerant of salt and saturated soils – making them unique as trees and shrubs where they flourish along sea edges and estuarine waterways in mostly warm tropical latitudes. This guide further outlines how the benefits of these ecosystems are legendary. Mangroves are acknowledged worldwide as essential habitats and nurseries for fish and other marine life. They protect shorelines from severe storms, flooding, and large waves, and filter and clean coastal waterways. Furthermore, they capture and store harmful concentrations of carbon from the atmosphere to slow down changes in the global climate. Finally, they supply timber, honey, medicines, and other natural products for many human communities.