Edited By: Sylvain Perret, Stefano Farolfi and Rashid Hassan
272 pages, figures, tables, maps
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The control and governance of water is one of the critical issues of the 21st century. This authoritative volume shows that, in recent years, water policies, institutions and governance have shifted from technical, quantitative, supply-driven, centrally controlled management to more demand-sensitive, qualitative, decentralized, participatory, integrated approaches. The book examines these issues through case studies at national, river basin and local levels, using accessible multidisciplinary approaches that integrate economics, institutional analysis, geography and policy analysis. Ultimately, the book untangles and presents best practices for policy- and decision-makers, governments and regulators, NGOs and user groups, farmers, water supply companies and researchers, as well as pointing towards how good water governance structures can be developed and implemented for the benefit of all.
Introduction; * Part I; * Understanding Water Institutions; * Public - Private Partnership in Irrigation and Drainage; * Part II; * The Possibility of Trade in Water Use Entitlements in South Africa; * Redressing Inequities Through Domestic Water Supply; * Local Governance Issues After Irrigation Management Transfer; * Water Management and a Smallholder Canal Irrigation Scheme in South Africa; * Emerging Rules After Irrigation Management Transfer to Farmers; * Crafting Water Institutions for People and Business; * Part III; * Conflict Analysis and Value-Focused Thinking to Aid Resolution of Water Conflicts in Tanzania; * Determinants of Quality and Quantity Values of Water for Domestic Uses in the Steelpoort Sub-Basin; * Water Resources and Food Security; * Regulated Dam Release and Improvements in Water Supply in the Tadla Irrigation Scheme in Morocco; * Impact of Institutional Changes Within Small-Scale Groundwater Irrigated Systems; * Local Empowerment in Smallholder Irrigation Schemes; * Role-Playing Game Development in Irrigation Management; * Support to Stakeholder Involvement in Water Management: Circumventing Some Participation Pitfalls; * Bibliography.
Customer Reviews
Sylvain Perret is Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Pretoria, South Africa and Senior Researcher at Cirad. Stefano Farolfi is Visiting Senior Lecturer in Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy for Africa, University of Pretoria and Senior Researcher at Cirad. Rashid Hassan is Professor in the Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy for Africa, University of Pretoria.
Edited By: Sylvain Perret, Stefano Farolfi and Rashid Hassan
272 pages, figures, tables, maps
'This book eloquently demonstrates the various tasks institutions have in improving water management, by taking a wider definition of what institutions may consist of. Having multi-sectoral and international case analyses, the book appeals to a wide range of readership. In particular, introducing several approaches to be considered by readers makes the book much more handy to those who are interested in the topics and their implementation.' Ariel Dinar, Agriculture and Rural Development Dept, World Bank 'This authoritative volume shows that, in recent years, water policies, institutions and governance have shifted from technical, quantitative, supply-driven, centrally controlled management to more demand-sensitive, qualitative, decentralized, participatory, integrated approaches.' Bookshelf