The book is an ambitious attempt to summarise the topography, climate, surface hydrology and groundwater of the whole Arab region. It assembles a lot of material which is readily available only in consultants' reports and similar sources. There are a number of statistical tables covering these topics.
The book contains twelve chapters and three appendices. These chapters comprise a historical introduction, physiographic features and geological settings of the region, climate, analysis of precipitation, evaporation and evapotranspiration, river basins and flow, wadi basins and flow, erosion and sedimentation, groundwater resources, non-conventional water resources, storage of water and impacts of the water scarcity on the future of the region. Appendices I, II and III, on a CD-ROM at the end of the book, list meteorlogical data, hydrologic data and water quality data used in preparing the book.
Dedication.- Foreword.- Preface.- 1. Historical Introduction.- 2. Physiography and Geology of the Arab Region.- 3. Climate of the Arab Region.- 4. Analysis of Precipitation Data.- 5. Evaporation and Evapotranspiration.- 6. Runoff and River Flow.- 7. Wadis and Wadi Flow.- 8. Erosion and Sedimentation in drainage Basins and Storage Reservoirs.- 9. Groundwater Resources.- 10. Non-conventional (New) Water Resources.- 11. Water Storage.- 12. Water Scarcity in the Arab Region. Note to the Reader/User of the book.- References.- Reference Index.- Geographical Index
The book is an ambitious attempt to summarise the topography, climate, surface hydrology and groundwater of the whole Arab Region. It assembles a lot of material which is readily available only in consultants' reports and similar sources. There are a number of statistical tables covering these topics. "The book has involved an enormous amount of work, and would provide a useful introduction to those undertaking hydrological investigations in the Arab world." John Sutcliffe, August 2005 Aus den Rezensionen: "... Ein umfassendes Literaturverzeichnis ... und ein geographischer Index runden das Buch ab. Diesem liegt zudem eine CD bei ... Das Buch ist so fur den Leser eine verstandliche, detaillierte und lesefreundliche Zusammenstellung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes uber die Wasserressourcen der Arabischen Region ... Das Werk wendet sich an alle Wissenschaftler auf dem Feld der hydrologischen und hydrogeologischen Wissenschaften, der die afrikanische Liga betreffenden geographischen Forschungen und an die Vor-Ort-Ingenieure und Studierenden der betroffenen Fachrichtungen. Ihm durfte auf jeden Fall eine weite Verbreitung sicher sein." (S. J. MARKS, in: Zentralblatt fur Geologie und Palaontologie Teil II, 2008, Issue 5-6, S. 1009 ff.)