Language: English
The book is a collection of papers on water quality in the watercourses of Kyrgyzstan. An international team has analysed the hydrochemistry, bacterial communities, and chemical elements in mosses and aquatic invertebrates as well as in the bones of herbivores in Kyrgyzstan. The analyses come from more than 200 samples from different regions of Kyrgyzstan and give a fairly comprehensive overview of the quality of the waters of Tian Shan. The book is the result of a Norwegian-Slovakian-Kyrgyz project. It contains more than 200 image analyses of the hydrochemistry of the waters, lists of bacterial genera, as well as macrozoobenthos occurring in the Kyrgyz waters.
- Preface 3
- Hydrochemistry of Kyrgyz Streams and Rivers / L. Janigová and M. Janiga 15
- A Geographic View of the Hydrochemistry of Kyrgyz Rivers and Glaciers / J. Solár and M. Janiga 183
- Bacterial Communities in the Streams and Rivers of Kyrgyz Republic / K. Ondreicková, Z. Hrehová, D. Mihálik and M. Janiga 191
- Tian Shan: Vegetation as an Environmental Bioindicator / R. Šoltés 213
- Metal Accumulation in Macrozoobenthos in Kyrgyz Streams and Rivers / M. Janiga, M. Janiga Jr. and M. Tchernyavskaya 241
- Metal Contamination in Vertebrates from the Tian-Shan Mountains / M. Janiga and L. Zábojníková 273
- Conclusions 276