There are several important areas of wildlife research and management that are inadequately covered in the second edition of Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management. As a result, the authors have chosen to add four brand new chapters to this new edition, as well as updating several of the other chapters with more recent developments and examples. In current research there has been rapid acceptance of the non-commercial statistical software known as 'R'.
In this edition the authors replace all of the programs and example code with their R equivalents. The authors have set up a server link to Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management software examples as well as a series of modules introducing R to readers. The four new chapters cover: habitat use and selection; habitat fragmentation, movement and corridors; climate change, and; evolutionary response to disturbance. Habitat selection and use is an area with a lot of recent work. The authors have expanded the treatment of this in the third edition, to cover topics such as the ecological reasons for selective habitat use, quantitative measurement of habitat use, with particular emphasis on various approaches to resource selection, and density- resource- and risk-dependent effects on habitat use. The new chapter on habitat fragmentation, movement, and corridors discusses the historical patterns of fragmentation, the positive and negative effects of fragmentation on wildlife demography, and movement patterns in fragmented systems and the effects of corridors.
Climate change is rapidly becoming a central theme in virtually all wildlife conservation plans. The new chapter provides information on the anthropomorphic effects on climate change, climate change models and variation in future scenarios, and the effects of climate change on wildlife distribution patterns, demography and behavior. Recent work has demonstrated the potential for rapid evolutionary response of wildlife populations to disturbance, whether natural or anthropomorphic in origin. The authors report on this exciting and new area of research, with particular emphasis on the evolutionary traps, measuring evolutionary response to change, and evidence of evolutionary responses to harvesting, habitat change, climate change, and ecological interactions.
1. Introduction: goals and decisions
Part 1 Wildlife Ecology
2. Biomes
3. Ecology of individuals
4. Food and nutrition
5. Population growth
6. Dispersal, dispersion, and distribution
7. Habitat use and selection
8. Population regulation, fluctuation and competition within species
9. Competition and facilitation between species
10. Predation
11. Parasites and pathogens
12. Consumer-resource dynamics
13. The ecology of behavior
Part 2 Wildlife Management and Conservation
14. Counting animals
15. Age- and stage-structure
16. Model evaluation and adaptive management
17. Experimental management
18. Conservation in theory
19. Conservation in practice
20. Habitat fragmentation, movement, and corridors
21. Wildlife harvesting
22. Wildlife control
23. Ecosystem management and conservation
24. Climate change
25. Evolutionary response to disturbance
Professor John Fryxell currently teaches in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Guelph, Canada, where he has worked closely with a number of university and government scientists to develop sustainable conservation strategies for elk, woodland caribou, wolves, and marten. Previous to this he worked at the University of British Columbia and as Wildlife Consultant for the Provincial Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. His research has focused on the role of behavior in population and community dynamics of large mammals. He has a continuing interest in African wildlife, including long-term studies on the demography and spatial ecology of large herbivores and their predators in Serengeti National Park.
Professor Anthony Sinclair is currently Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He has been Director of the Centre for Biodiversity Research at the University, and a Professor at the
Department of Zoology. He has researched Canadian subarctic ecosystems and worked on Canadian boreal forest ecosystems, in particular on cycles of snowshoe hares. He worked in the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, Africa, on ecology and conservation projects for over 40 years. He has conducted ecological research on the
Serengeti ecosystem of Tanzania, documenting multiple states in Serengeti savanna and grassland communities. He has also worked on endangered marsupial mammal populations and predation by exotic carnivores in Australia and similar systems in New Zealand.