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Academic & Professional Books  Organismal to Molecular Biology  Genetics & Genomics

21st Century Genetics Genes at Work

By: Terri Grodzicker(Editor), David Stewart(Editor), Bruce Stillman(Editor)
384 pages
 21st Century Genetics
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  •  21st Century Genetics ISBN: 9781621821472 Hardback Jul 2016 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
  •  21st Century Genetics ISBN: 9781621821489 Paperback Jul 2016 Out of Print #238288
Selected version: £250.00
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About this book

The 80th Cold Spring Harbor Symposium was held to mark the 150th anniversary of Gregor Mendel's landmark 1865 presentation of his paper "Experiments on Plant Hybridization", which laid the groundwork for modern genetics. The Symposium Proceedings provides a current synthesis of genetic mechanisms and genome/chromosome biology. 21st Century Genetics spans a broad range of topics that reflect our current understanding of genetic mechanisms in humans and other organisms. Themes include chromosome biology and nuclear structure, topologically associating domains, gene-enhancer interactions, chromatin and epigenetics, gene regulation and control, developmental regulation, RNA controlling elements, maintenance of genome stability, nuclear receptors, circadian clocks and aging, and genome editing. The Conversations included in 21st Century Genetics are based on interviews conducted during the Symposium and offer a broader anecdotal perspective on this fascinating subject by many of the world's leading investigators.


Symposium Participants

Gene Control
Imaging Transcription: Past, Present, and Future
      Robert A. Coleman, Zhe Liu, Xavier Darzacq, Robert Tjian, Robert H. Singer, and Timothee Lionnet
Visualizing the HoxD Gene Cluster at the Nanoscale Level
      Pierre J. Fabre, Alexander Benke, Suliana Manley, and Denis Duboule
Transcriptional Enhancers: Bridging the Genome and Phenome
      Bing Ren and Feng Yue
Regulatory Principles Governing Tissue Specificity of Developmental Enhancers
      Emma K. Farley, Katrina M. Olson, and Michael S. Levine
The Importance of Controlling Transcription Elongation at Coding and Noncoding RNA Loci
      Benjamin S. Scruggs and Karen Adelman

Chromatin Domains and Nuclear Position
Regulatory Domains and Their Mechanisms
      Nezha S. Benabdallah and Wendy A. Bickmore
Large-Scale Chromatin Structure-Function Relationships during the Cell Cycle and Development: Insights from Replication Timing
      Vishnu Dileep, Juan Carlos Rivera-Mulia, Jiao Sima, and David M. Gilbert
Prenucleosomes and Active Chromatin
      Mai T. Khuong, Jia Fei, Haruhiko Ishii, and James T. Kadonaga
HIPMap: A High-Throughput Imaging Method for Mapping Spatial Gene Positions
      Sigal Shachar, Gianluca Pegoraro, and Tom Misteli
Genome Organization and Chromosome Architecture
      Giorgio Bernardi

Genome Stability
A System to Study Aneuploidy In Vivo
      Sarah J. Pfau and Angelika Amon
Resolution of Recombination Intermediates: Mechanisms and Regulation
      Stephen C. West, Miguel G. Blanco, Ying Wai Chan, Joao Matos, Shriparna Sarbajna, and Haley D.M. Wyatt
21st Century Genetics: Mass Spectrometry of Yeast Telomerase
      Kah Wai Lin and Virginia A. Zakian
From Mutational Mechanisms in Single Cells to Mutational Patterns in Cancer Genomes
      Cheng-Zhong Zhang and David Pellman
The Evolution of Tumors in Mice and Humans with Germline p53 Mutations
      Arnold J. Levine, Chang S. Chan, Crissy Dudgeon, Anna Puzio-Kuter, and Pierre Hainaut

Germ Cells and Early Development
Mechanism and Reconstitution In Vitro of Germ Cell Development in Mammals
      Kazuki Kurimoto and Mitinori Saitou
Erase-Maintain-Establish: Natural Reprogramming of the Mammalian Epigenome
      Milena Leseva, Barbara B. Knowles, Daniel M. Messerschmidt, and Davor Solter
Regulation of Reprogramming and Cellular Plasticity through Histone Exchange and Histone Variant Incorporation
      Xavier Gaume and Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla
ZFP57 and the Targeted Maintenance of Postfertilization Genomic Imprints
      Nozomi Takahashi, Dionne Gray, Ruslan Strogantsev, Angela Noon, Celia Delahaye, William C. Skarnes, Peri H. Tate, and Anne C. Ferguson-Smith

Embryonic Stem Cells and Development
Biological Networks Governing the Acquisition, Maintenance, and Dissolution of Pluripotency: Insights from Functional Genomics Approaches
      Kevin Andrew Uy Gonzales and Huck-Hui Ng
Monitoring Dynamics of DNA Methylation at Single-Cell Resolution during Development and Disease
      Yonatan Stelzer and Rudolf Jaenisch
Perturbing Chromatin Structure to Understand Mechanisms of Gene Expression
      Caroline R. Bartman and Gerd A. Blobel
Mechanisms Underlying the Selection and Function of Macrophage-Specific Enhancers
      Verena M. Link, David Gosselin, and Christopher K. Glass

Metabolism and Signaling
Clock-Talk: Interactions between Central and Peripheral Circadian Oscillators in Mammals
      Ueli Schibler, Ivana Gotic, Camille Saini, Pascal Gos, Thomas Curie, Yann Emmenegger, Flore Sinturel, Pauline Gosselin, Alan Gerber, Fabienne Fleury-Olela, Gianpaolo Rando, Maud Demarque, and Paul Franken
Dissecting the Rev-erba Cistrome and the Mechanisms Controlling Circadian Transcription in Liver
      Bin Fang and Mitchell A. Lazar
Modulating the Genomic Programming of Adipocytes
      Anne Loft, Soren Fisker Schmidt, and Susanne Mandrup
Targeting Transcriptional and Epigenetic Reprogramming in Stromal Cells in Fibrosis and Cancer
      Nasun Hah, Mara H. Sherman, Ruth T. Yu, Michael Downes, and Ronald M. Evans
Regulation of RORgt in Inflammatory Lymphoid Cell Differentiation
      Wendy Huang and Dan R. Littman

How Transcription Networks Evolve and Produce Biological Novelty
      Isabel Nocedal and Alexander D. Johnson
The African Turquoise Killifish: A Model for Exploring Vertebrate Aging and Diseases in the Fast Lane
      Itamar Harel and Anne Brunet
Transposable Elements, Polydactyl Proteins, and the Genesis of Human-Specific Transcription Networks
      Didier Trono
Dorcas Cummings Lecture
      Svante Paabo

Conversations at the Symposium
Genevieve Almouzni
Angelika Amon
Julius Brennecke
Emmanuelle Charpentier
Titia de Lange
Job Dekker
Jennifer Doudna
Denis Duboule
Ron Evans
Anne Ferguson-Smith
Edith Heard
David Kingsley
Arnold Levine
Susan Lindquist
Dan Littman
Richard Morimoto
David Page
Wolf Reik
Bing Ren
Ueli Schibler
Davor Solter
Alexander Tarakhovsky
Joanna Wysocka
Rick Young

Author Index
Subject Index

Customer Reviews

By: Terri Grodzicker(Editor), David Stewart(Editor), Bruce Stillman(Editor)
384 pages
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