BirdBase for Windows
&i;BirdBase&o; contains on CD an authoritative list of North American and Hawaiian birds plus, optionally, a disk with James Clements' ABA-adopted list of all the birds in the world from the most recent annual update of the sixth edition of his &i;Birds of the World&o;. Every bird on each list is identified by its English common family and species names, by its scientific order, family, genus, and species names, and by a taxonomical sequence number that tells you at a glance where the bird occurs in the list. It allows the user to record all bird sightings against these species lists. Each sighting can have a note of up to 5000 words. Recording it immediately updates any number of taxonomically sequenced annual or life lists, such as county, state, province, nation, American Birding Association (ABA) region/area, or the whole world, as well as lists of sightings for any combination of location, species, subspecies, date range, birder, photographed, heard only, etc., etc. The lists can give details of every sighting or of only each bird's first sighting. Or they can just name the birds seen. &i;BirdBase&o; can list in chronological sequence all trips taken or the first sightings of all birds seen, list year by year the initial or final sightings at any location of a migrating species, tabulate population surveys such as Christmas counts, and much more. The program also handles all name or taxonomy changes in the species list, and puts them in the sightings already recorded. And purchasers of &i;BirdBase&o; can start with only a North American plus Hawaiian species list, at a reduced price, then add the world species when your birding territory expands. Updates are also available that include all changes made in the subspecies groups.
`I would find it almost impossible to report totals without BirdBase. And with BirdArea I can make my own checklists in seconds.'&o; James Clements