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A Changing World Challenges for Landscape Research

Series: Landscape Series Volume: 8
Edited By: Felix Kienast, Sucharita Ghosh and Otto Wildi
296 pages, 19 illustrations in colour
Publisher: Springer Nature
A Changing World
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  • A Changing World ISBN: 9789048123902 Paperback Mar 2009 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
  • A Changing World ISBN: 9781402044342 Hardback Mar 2007 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
Selected version: £129.99
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About this book

Landscape Research has been established as an interdisciplinary field dealing with complex environmental processes at multiple spatial and temporal scales. During the course of its history, various societal, technological and philosophical stimuli have shaped Landscape Research, e.g. the declaration of Landscape Ecology in the 1930s and contemporary global technological and societal developments.

Modern landscape research presently uses mathematics, statistics and advanced simulation techniques to combine empirical observations with known theories from ecology, physics, geography, social science and so on. Knowledge is thus updated and quantified via models that are used for estimation, hypothesis testing, prediction and assessment of scenarios. Advances in the computational sciences (e.g. fast computers and vast array of software), space science (e.g. remote sensing) and biological sciences (e.g. genetics) as well as new perspectives in the social sciences play important roles. Research findings are implemented in conservation management, urban planning and global change mitigation strategies.

This book identifies emerging fields and new challenges that are discussed within the framework of the `driving forces' of Landscape Development. Rather than offering a comprehensive overview of all fields of Landscape Research, the book addresses `hot topics' emphasizing major contemporary trends in these fields.


1. Change and transformation- 2. Value systems. 2.1 Drivers of human-landscape interactions. 2.2 The role of value systems.- 3. Analysis of landscape patterns. 3.1 Collection and sharing. 3.2 Modern remote sensing for environmental monitoring. 3.3 Identifying and quantifying landscape patterns in space and time. 3.4 Space and place.- 4. Analyzing landscape processes. 4.1 Analysis of environmental time series. 4.2 On selected issues and challenges in dendroclimatology. 4.3 Using the past to understand the present land use and land cover. 4.4 Essay on the study of the vegetation process. 4.5 Landscape permeability. 4.6 Integrating population genetics with landscape ecology.- 5. Modeling landscape processes. 5.1 Up-scaling of biological properties and mechanisms. 5.2 Dynamic spatio-temporal landscape models. 5.3 Statistical analysis of landscape data.- 6. Reaching the limits of present systems control. 6.1 The meaning of "Landscape". 6.2 Altering space with new technologies?.-

Customer Reviews

Series: Landscape Series Volume: 8
Edited By: Felix Kienast, Sucharita Ghosh and Otto Wildi
296 pages, 19 illustrations in colour
Publisher: Springer Nature
Media reviews

Aus den Rezensionen: "Was sind neue Aufgabenfelder in der Landschaftsentwicklung und ihre 'driving forces'? Antworten auf diese Frage versucht das Buch ! zu geben ... Angesichts der Hauptzielgruppe ... ist das nur konsequent und auch tatsachlich gelungen: In 17 Einzelbeitragen liefern verschiedene Autoren ein Spiegelbild aktueller und zudem vielfach praxisnaher Forschungsthemen ! Der Band reprasentiert hervorragend die breite Vielfalt und Komplexitat der Fragestellungen und Methoden. Wer sich kompetent und ! rasch in Themen und Methoden moderner Landschaftsforschung einarbeiten mochte, findet in dem Band eine Fulle von Anregungen !" (in: Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 2008, Vol. 40, Issue 11, S. 387)

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