Discover the hidden pleasures of weeding.
Ever wondered how many weed species there might be in your garden? When Rachel Fulcher discovered up to 88 different varieties of wild plants across the seasons in her rambling country garden in East Anglia, she was on a 'weed' mission. Entranced by their abundance, she decided to do some careful research, the basis of this book. It includes botanical description, their use for remedies and recipes, amusing superstitions and folktales as well as the importance of these plants to local wildlife. Rather than waging war on weeds indiscriminately, Rachel suggests making an informed decision as to whether or not to keep them. Weeding is no longer a chore – it's a revelation.
Rachel Fulcher is a specialist in complementary health and an established author in this field. She is passionate about the environment and, in addition to gardening, spends much of her spare time campaigning on behalf of nature, as an active member of Friends of the Earth.