Focuses on the area of fisheries economics and management. Compiled in honour of the work and achievements of Professor Gordon Munro of the University of British Columbia, Canada, this book comprises chapters each dealing in detail with a major issue in the area of fisheries economics and management.
Written by many of the world's leading fisheries economists and carefully edited by a team headed by Professor Trond Bjorndal, himself a well-recognized figure in the area, this book is essential reading for all those working in fisheries management and economics.
Chapter 1: On the Contributions of Professor G.R. Munro to Economics T. Bjorndal and D.V. Gordon Section 1. Property rights and fisheries management Chapter 2: Phases in the Evolution of Property in Sea Fisheries A. Scott Chapter 3: Property Rights Quality and Economic Efficiency of Fisheries Management Regimes: Some Basic Results R. Arnason Chapter 4: How to Resolve the Class II Common Property Problem? The Case of the British Columbia's Multi-Species Groundfish Trawl Fishery R.Q. Grafton, H.W. Nelson and B. Turris Chapter 5: Auctions of IFQs as a Means to Share the Rent D.D. Huppert Chapter 6: Shadow Prices for Fishing Quota: Fishing with Econometrics D. Dupont and D.V. Gordon Section 2. Capital theory and natural resources Chapter 7: Rational Expectations and Fisheries Management C.W. Clark Chapter 8: Linking Natural Capital and Physical Capital: A Review of Renewable Resource Investment Models A. Charles Chapter 9: Fisheries Management with Stock Uncertainty and Costly Capital Adjustment M. Doyle, R. Singh and Q. Weninger Section 3. Game theory and international fisheries Chapter 10: The Incomplete Information Stochastic Split-Stream Model: An Overview R. McKelvey, P.V. Golubtsov, G. Cripe and K.A. Miller Chapter 11: Coalition Games in Fisheries Economics M. Lindroos, L.G. Kronbak and V. Kaitala Chapter 12: Incentive Compatibility of Fish-Sharing Agreements R. Hannesson Chapter 13: Fish Stew: Uncertainty, Conflicting Interests and Climate Regime Shifts K.A. Miller Chapter 14: A Dynamic Game on Renewable Natural Resource Exploitation and Markov Perfect Equilibrium S. Kobayashi Section 4. Applied fisheries economics and management Chapter 15: The Role of the Fishing Industry in the Icelandic Economy S. Agnarson and R. Arnason Chapter 16: Factor Use and Productivity Change in a Rights-Based Fishery B.M.H. Sharp and C. Batstone Chapter 17: Scientific Uncertainty and Fisheries Management W.E. Schrank and G. Pontecorvo Chapter 18: Spatial-Temporal Stock Assessment Analysis with Application to the Scotia-Fundy Herring Fishery D.E. Lane
About the Editors Dr. Trond Bjorndal is Professor of Economics, Centre for Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway and Director, CEMARE, University of Portsmouth, England. Dr. Daniel V. Gordon is Professor of Economics, University of Calgary, Canada and Distinguished Research Fellow, Centre for Fisheries Economics, Institute for Research in Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway Dr. Ragnar Arnason is Professor of Economics and the Chairman of the Institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland. Dr. U. Rashid Sumaila is Director of the Fisheries Economics Research Unit, Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia.
Another truly global cooperation, this is an up to the minute review of the latest developments in fisheries economics by thirty of the world's most prominent academic economists whose work focuses on fisheries. Work Boat World, December 2007