Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Source Control Measures for Stormwater Runoff, St. Marienthal-Ostritz, Germany, 8-12 November 2000.
Notwithstanding past achievements, flood damage continues to rise throughout the world as the magnitudes of floods increase, partly as a result of poor land management and partly by climate change, growing populations and continuing development in flood-prone areas, and the aging and deterioration of flood defences.
One of the major goals of water management is the protection of society from floods. That issue is addressed here in terms of such broad issues as flood analysis, flood impact, non-structural and structural flood management measures. Non-structural measures focus on flood plain management, flood insurance, flood forecasting and warning, and emergency measures during floods. Structural measures focus on catchment management, embankments and flood reservoirs. Post-flood measures are also discussed.
Future planning of flood management should be based on a clear understanding of the effectiveness interventions and their impacts on river catchment ecosystems.
Preface. Acknowledgement. List of Participants. 1. Review of Source Controls. 2. General Strategies for Stormwater Management. 3. Source Control Measure Studies. 4. Urban Flood Management Studies and Modelling. 5. Source Controls in Rural Catchments. 6. Source Control Implementation. Index.