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Academic & Professional Books  Natural History  Regional Natural History  Natural History of Africa

Africa's Top Wildlife Countries Planning Your Ultimate Safari to Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia & Zimbabwe

Travel Guide Wildlife Guide
By: Mark W Nolting(Author), Duncan Butchart(Illustrator)
512 pages, 400+ colour photos, colour illustrations, 75+ colour maps
Africa's Top Wildlife Countries
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  • Africa's Top Wildlife Countries ISBN: 9780939895243 Edition: 9 Paperback Oct 2017 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
Price: £19.99
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Africa's Top Wildlife CountriesAfrica's Top Wildlife CountriesAfrica's Top Wildlife CountriesAfrica's Top Wildlife CountriesAfrica's Top Wildlife Countries

About this book

Africa's Top Wildlife Countries highlights and compares wildlife reserves and other major attractions in the continent's best countries for game viewing – making the planning of the journey of a lifetime easy! African countries, and the wildlife reserves within them, vary greatly as to the types and quality of safari experiences they offer. This is the only guidebook that effectively assists readers in choosing the best destinations for the kind of wildlife experience they would most enjoy by comparing travel options among all the top wildlife countries.

Using the easy-to-read "When's the Best Time to Go for Game Viewing" chart, readers can conveniently choose the specific reserves and country(ies) that are best to visit during their vacation period. From the "What Wildlife is Best Seen Where" chart, readers can easily locate the reserves that have an abundance of the animals they wish to see. From the "Safari Activities" chart, readers can choose the reserves that offer the safari options (night drives, canoeing, walking, ballooning, etc.) that interest them most.

Jam-packed with information essential to the successful safari:
- 15 Countries, including the top safari countries of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia and South Africa
- Over 75 colour maps, detailing countries and major wildlife reserves, including regional maps that conveniently point out the best reserves and their highlights
- 10 charts, including When's The Best Time to Go and What Wildlife is Best Found Where
- Accommodations graded for convenient selection – with the best highlighted as the author's top choice

Customer Reviews


Mark W. Nolting has explored and research the African continent for over 30 years. He expanded his passion for Africa into a successful tour company called the Africa Adventure Company, now celebrating its 31st Anniversary.For the past twelve years Conde Nast Traveler Magazine has listed him as one of the top Africa Specialists in the world, and Travel and Leisure has featured him on their A-List for nearly as long. He has also been listed as one of the top Africa Specialists on Earth by National Geographic Adventurer Magazine. It is his personal experience having taken over 100 safari plus that of his staff and trip reports from thousands of travelers that he has sent on safari that makes the information in his books so useful and accurate.

Duncan Butchart lives in Hermanus, South Africa.

Travel Guide Wildlife Guide
By: Mark W Nolting(Author), Duncan Butchart(Illustrator)
512 pages, 400+ colour photos, colour illustrations, 75+ colour maps
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