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About this book
This book is about the atmosphere and mankind's influence on it. Although air chemistry is probably one of the oldest branches of chemistry, it is now the focus of considerable public interest. The second edition of this extremely popular text has been rewritten and all information updated, to keep pace with this important and fast moving science. In the early chapters of his book, Dr Brimblecombe discusses the geochemical, biological and maritime sources of the trace gases. After dealing with the natural atmosphere, the book examines the sources of air pollution and its effects; all these scenarios are rewritten from the last edition to include all recent knowledge. The final chapters are concerned with the chemistry and evolution of the atmospheres of the planets of the Solar System; this has been revised in accordance with current understanding.
1. The atmosphere
2. The natural components of air
3. Gas phase chemistry of the atmosphere
4. Aerosols
5. The composition and chemistry of cloud droplets, rainfall and air-sea exchange
6. Sources of pollution
7. Effects of air pollution
8. The upper atmosphere
9. The atmospheres of the planets and their evolution
Customer Reviews
By: P Brimblecombe
268 pages, 79 b/w illustrations, tables
Overall [...] an excellent synthesis of the knowledge of atmospheric composition, chemistry, pollution and the impact of human activities. It is well written and gathers all basic knowledge of air composition and chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere into a concise, yet easily paced, textbook. It is excellent for an introductory course for graduate students but is also appropriate for upper-level undergraduate students.
- Shao-Meng Li, World Meteorological Organization Bulletin
"An excellent introductory student text that gives the physical and chemical context within which air pollutants have to be considered."
- Environmental Pollution