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Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XV

Edited By: Borrego
560 pages
Publisher: Plenum
Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XV
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  • Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XV ISBN: 9780306472947 Hardback Oct 2002 Out of stock with supplier: order now to get this when available
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About this book

This volume contains the papers and poster abstracts presented at the 25th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application held in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, during 15-19 October 2001. This ITM was jointly organized by the University of Aveiro, Portugal (Pilot country) and by the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium (host country).

The main topics of this ITM were:
Role of Atmospheric Models in Air Pollution Policy and Abatement Strategies; Integrated Regional Modelling; Global and Long-Range Transport; Regional Air Pollution and Climate; New Developments; and Model Assessment and Verification. Invited papers were presented by A. Ebel of Germany (Changing atmospheric environment, changing views); H. ApSimon of Great Britain (Applying risk assessment techniques to air pollution modelling & abatement strategies); and S.E. Gryning of Denmark (Aspects of meteorological pre-processing of fluxes over inhomogeneous terrain) - all of which are included in this comprehensive proceedings volume.


Role Of Atmospheric Models In Air Pollution Policy And Abatement Strategies. A policy oriented model system for the assessment of long-term effects of emission reductions on ozone; C. Mensink, et al. Transforming deterministic air quality modeling results into probabilistic form for policy-making; S.T. Rao, Ch. Hogrefe. Integrated Regional Modelling. Changing atmospheric environment, changing views -- and an air quality model's response on the regional scale; A. Ebel. Development of a regional model for ozone forecasting and acidic deposition mapping; A. Tang, et al. Modelling of Atmospheric radioactive aerosol dynamics and deposition; A. Baklanov, A. Aloyan. Air quality study over the Atlantic coast of Iberian peninsula; A.C. Carvalho, et al. Numerically simulated atmospheric transboundary contribution of lead loading to the Great Lakes; S.M. Daggupaty, J. Ma. On the coupling of air-pollution model to numerical weather prediction model; T. Halenka, et al. Modeling the mercury cycle in the Mediterranean: similarities and differences with conventional air pollution modeling; G. Kallos, et al. The Australian air quality forecasting system: Modelling of a severe smoke event in Melbourne, Australia; S. Lee, et al. Pre-processor for regional-scale fluxes and mixed-layer height over inhomogeneous terrain; S.-E. Gryning, E. Batchvarova. Validation of urban air quality modelling in the European Union; P. Suppan, A. Skouloudis. Development and application of chemical weather forecasting system over East Asia; I. Uno, et al. Photo-oxidation processes over the Eastern Mediterranean basin in summer; M. Varinou, et al. Numerical study of tropospheric ozone in the spring time in East Asia; M. Zhang, et al. Testing smog indices using a comprehensive model; Ch. Fung, et al. An application of a photochemical model for urban airshed in Istanbul; U. Anteplioglu, et al. One-way nesting versus two-way nesting: does it really make a difference? C. Soriano, et al. Global And Long-Range Transport. Applying risk assessment techniques to air pollution modelling & abatement strategies; H.M. ApSimon, et al. ETEX simulations with the DMI-HIRLAM numerical weather prediction model; J. Chenevez, et al. Impact assessment of growing Asian megacity emissions; S.K. Guttikunda, et al. Transboundary exchange of sulfur pollution in the region of SE Europe; D. Syrakov, M. Prodanova. Regional Air Pollution And Climate. PM2.5 concentrations over Europe, combining satellite data and modelling; M. van Loon, et al. Simulating soil-dust, sea-salt and sulfate aerosols in East Asia using RAMS-online chemical transport model coupled with CAM (Canadian aerosol module); Z. Wang, et al. New Developments. Data assimilation for CT-modelling based on optimum interpolation; J. Flemming, et al. Inclusion of an improved parameterisation of the wet deposition process in an atmospheric transport model; N. Fournier, et al. Modeling of urban air pollution: principles and problems; E. Genikhovich, et al. Modelling cloud chemistry in a regional aerosol model: bulk vs. size resolved representation; W. Gong. Parameterisation of turbulence-enhanced nucleation in large scale models: conceptual study; O. Hellmuth, J. Helmert. Models-3/community multiscale air quality (CMAQ) modeling system: 2001 Java-based release; S. LeDuc, S. Fine. Fuzzy sets application for estimation of air polluted zone; A. Dudatiev, et al. Initial application of the adaptive grid air quality model; M.T. Odman, et al. Application of inverse modeling and sensitivity theory to air pollution studies; V. Penenko. Sensitivity analysis of nested photochemical simulations; I. Kioutsioukis, A.N. Skouloudis. Revisiting ozone-precursor relationships; B. Ainslie, D.G. Steyn. On the relationship between the Lagrangian and Eulerian time scale: a preliminary evaluation with LES data; U. Rizza, et al. New Algorithms for the determination of solar radiation, surface temperature and PBL height in CALMET; G. Maffeis, et al. Use of neutral networks in the field of air pollution modelling; M.Z. Boznar, P. Mlakar. A porosity/drag approach for the modeling of flow and dispersion in the urban canopy; B. Carissimo, R.W. Macdonald. Improved algorithms for advection and vertical diffusion in AURORA; K. De Ridder, Cl. Mensink. Model Assessment And Verification. Comparison of results from a higher order closure dispersion model with measurements in a complex terrain; B.J. Abiodun ,L. Enger. Parameterisation of SBL height in atmospheric pollution models; A. Baklanov. Evaluation of mixing height parameterization for air pollution models; L. Delobbe, et al. Using Fuzzy numbers to treat predictions from more than one model; B. Fisher, M. Ireland. NARSTO model comparison and evaluation study (NMCES); D.A. Hansen Influence of underlying surface roughness to the deposition of airborne particles in northern winter conditions; M. Kaasik A study of SO2 dispersion around a thermoelectric power plant in the south of Brazil; O.L.L. Moraes, et al. A global-Through urban scale nested air pollution modelling system (MM5-CMAQ): application to Madrid area; R. San Jose, et al. Estimates of uncertainty in urban air quality model predictions; S. Vardoulakis, et al. Effects of input data errors on some indices for statistical model evaluation; A. Wellens. Poster Session. Assessment of pollution impact over Turin suburban area using integrated methods; G. Tinarelli, et al. Assessing uncontrolled emissions near a lead works; G. Cosemans, E. Roekens. Design for meteorological monitoring for air pollution modeling in industrial zone of Pancevo, based on experiences during bombing; Z. Grsic, et al. The optimal choice of AERMOD input data in complex areas; G. Latini, et al. The Black Triangle area -- Fit for Europe? Numerical air quality studies for the Black Triangle area; E. Renner, et al. Surface layer turbulence during the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999; G. Schayes, et al. Seasonal simulation of the air quality in East Asia using CMAQ; S. Sugata. The role of energy sources of different types in a atmospheric pollution and heat supply options in Irkutsk city; S.P. Filippov, A.V. Keiko. Transport sensitivity analysis on ozone concentrations in Iberian Peninsula by using MM5-CMAQ modelling system; R. San Jose, et al. Development of the emission inventory system for supporting TRACE-P and ACE-ASIA field experiments; J.-H. Woo, et al. Participants. Author Index. Subject Index

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Carlos Borrego is Professor of Environmental Engineering and Air Pollution Modeling at the University of Aveiro (Portugal). Former Minister of Environment (Portuguese Government) and President of the European Union delegation to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio 1992). Chairman of the International Technical Meetings of NATO/CCMS.

Edited By: Borrego
560 pages
Publisher: Plenum
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