Special Edition for the Mauritius International Meeting for the 10-year Review of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States.
The Atlantic and Indian Oceans Environment Outlook was prepared in collaboration with the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC). It covers the states that are included in the United Nations' list of SIDS in these areas ( Cape Verde, the Union Comoros, Maldives, Sao Tome and Pricipe, and Seychelles). The report uses data and information from global, regional and national state of environment reports and from other sources.
In 2003, UNEP initiated the preparation environment outlook reports for the Caribbean, Pacific and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans SIDS, as a contribution to the Mauritius International Meeting for the 10-year Review of the BPOA (Barbados +10) in 2005. The major objectives of these reports are to:
*Highlight the state of the environment in the SIDS showing the trends of national, regional and global significance;
*Provide policy guidance and early warning information on environmental trends;
*Provide a basis for regional consultations and for identifying the environmental issues in preparation for Barbados +10;
*Help to catalyse and promote international cooperation and action based on the best scientific and technical capabilities available; and
*Contribute to the development of a common strategy for sustainable development in SIDS