Discus are by far the most elegant and regal of all ornamental fishes. At one time, they were extremely expensive and the varieties were limited. Today, as a result of hard work by hobbyists and professional breeders alike, they are becoming abundant and affordable. With names like Blue Diamond, Red Diamond, Marlboro Red, and Golden Sunrise, discus have colour varieties sure to please any hobbyist. Be it in a decorated community aquarium or in a tank all alone discus will add vibrancy and fascination to your hobby.
Dick Au (San Francisco, California) has been involved with discus for over forty years. His first experience with discus dated back to the early 1950s when he observed the first commercial spawning of brown discus while working in a fish farm in the Orient. A well-known breeder of aquarium fishes, he consistently produces quantities of quality discus year after year. He has received numerous awards for contributions to the aquarium hobby as well as lifetime memberships to several aquarium societies. Insisting on keeping discus as a hobby and not as a business, the author spends much of his time giving lectures at aquarium societies, judging fish shows, and writing about discus.