Writer and beekeeper, Jack Mingo, who set up his first backyard hive in 2004, offers his humorous and unique observations of the world of the mystical, matriarchal, gentle, sweet bee in Bees Make the Best Pets.
Full of fun facts, Mingo shares a potpourri of bee and bee-keeping trivia; practical tips and legend and lore. And here are just some of the reasons bees make the best pets:
They don't bark and whine all night if you leave them in the backyard. In fact, they rather prefer it.Bees don't demand petting, attention, or a food dish. They find their own food. Bees greet you with honey for your toast and beeswax for your candles, not dead mice.You will never be tempted to succumb to your worst self, dress your bees in funny costumes, and humiliate them on YouTube. When bees pay attention to your plants, it's not to dig them up. They actually help them blossom, bear fruit, and thrive. Bees don't track mud, poison ivy, or fleas into your house. Bees don't have kittens.