Good introduction to the study of hormones, their effect on cells and their impact on behaviour. The second edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect recent developments in genetics and molecular biology.
Part 1 Introduction: introduction to behavioural endocrinology, Jill B. Becker and S. Marc Breedlove; sexual differentiation of the brain and behaviour, S. Marc Breedlove. Part 2 Hormonal influences on sexual behaviour: neuroendrocrinology of sexual behaviour in the female, C. Sue Carter; neuroendocrinology of sexual behaviour in the male, Michael J. Baum; hormonal influences on human sexual behaviour, C. Sue Carter; diversity of hormone-behaviour relations in reproductive behaviour, David Crews; hormonal influences on courtship behaviours, Darcy B. Kelly and Eliot Brenowitz. Part 3 Hormonal influences on nonsexual behaviours: hormone-behaviour relations in the regulation of parental behaviour, J.S. Rosenblatt; hormones and aggressive behaviour, Edward P. Monaghan and Stephen E. Glickman; neuroendocrinology of the stress-response, Robert M. Sapolsky; hormonal influences on extrapyramidal sensorimotor function and hippocampal plasticity, Jill B. Becker; sex differences and hormonal influences on cognitive function in humans, Elizabeth Hampson and Doreen Kimura. Part 4 The reciprocal regulation of hormones and behaviour: environmental factors influencing hormone secretion, Rae Silver; hormonal regulation of behaviour - insights from invertebrate systems, James W. Truman; hormones and ingestive behaviours, Edward M. Stricker and Joseph G. Verbalis; hormones and biological rhythms, Lawrence P. Morin and John Dark.
Andrea M. den Boer is a a Research Fellow in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent at Canterbury.