Language: English with trilingual abstract in English, German, and French
During the 2008 joint Cambodian–German–British fieldwork to the Battambang area (northwest Cambodia) 65 caves were registered, 55 of which were visited and 42 were mapped according to international standards (see Annex). A total of 4239 metres of cave passages were surveyed, including the 116 m long La Ang Spean, which has been subject of archaeological investigations, in the late 1960s (Mourer & Mourer 1970). The longest caves found were Roung Chak Treang 2 (551 m long), Roung Reigohom 2 (396 m) and La Ang Miadah Bai Dah (354 m). This represents the most comprehensive study of the karst and the caves of the Battambang area so far.
Abstract/Résumée/Zusammenfassung 5
Acknowledgements 6
1. Introduction 9
2. The Battambang karst area 9
2.1 General observations 9
2.2 Development of the karst in south and northwest Cambodia 10
3. The limestone mountains and caves of Battambang 12
3.1 General observations 12
3.2 The caves of Phnom Sampeu 13
3.3 The caves of Phnom Kdaong 20
3.4 The caves of Phnom Krapoeu 24
3.5 The caves of Phnom Taroung Moan 25
3.6 The caves of Phnom Trung Tee 26
3.7 The caves of Phnom Takriem 28
3.8 The caves of Phnom Banan 29
3.9 The caves of Phnom Rhoum Seisa 38
3.10 The caves of Phnom Miadah Bai Dah 40
3.11 The caves of Phnom Reichiatra 44
3.12 The caves of Phnom Roikun 44
3.13 The caves of Phnom Kchao 47
3.14 The caves of Phnom Kamping Poi 48
3.15 The caves of Phnom Doun Miaei 55
3.16 The caves of Phnom Kul 56
3.17 The caves of Phnom Chak Treang 56
3.18 The caves of Phnom Badak 60
4. Cambodian Cave Fauna (by Liz Price) 62
5. References 63
Caves explored during the 2008 speleological project 64
Photo tables 67