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Academic & Professional Books  Ornithology  Biology, Ecology & Behaviour

Bird Mimicry A Remarkable Collection of Imitations by Birds

Bird Mimicry
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  • Bird Mimicry Out of Print #158546
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About this product

Marvel at the sounds of a Shropshire Jay that neighs like a horse and a Blackbird in London that imitates a computer modem. From the world's largest collection of nature sounds (held at the British Library), this CD features some of the rarest recordings ever captured - it includes 26 tracks of incredible avian imitations.


SUMMARY TRACK LIST 1 STARLING Sturnus vulgaris 2 CORN BUNTING Miliaria calandra 3 JAY Garrulus glandarius 4 SUPERB LYREBIRD Menura novaehollandiae 5 BLACKBIRD Turdus merula 6 RED-BACKED SHRIKE Lanius collurio 7 GREAT TIT Parus major 8 WHINCHAT Saxicola rubetra 9 MARSH WARBLER Acrocephalus palustris 10 SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos 11 RUPPELL'S ROBIN CHAT Cossypha semirufa 12 NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD Mimus polyglottus 13 SPOTLESS STARLING Sturnus unicolor 14 LAWRENCE'S THRUSH Turdus lawrencii 15 SKYLARK Alauda arvensis 16 BLYTH'S REED WARBLER Acrocephalus dumetorum 17 WOODCHAT SHRIKE Lanius senator 18 CALANDRA LARK Melanocorypha calandra 19 WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe 20 BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla 21 JAY Garrulus glandarius 22 BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula 23 RAVEN Corvus corax 24 BUDGERIGAR Melopsittacus undulatus 25 BLACKBIRD Turdus merula 26 FAWN BREASTED BOWERBIRD Chlamydera cerviniventris

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Out of Print
By: Richard Ranft
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