The March 2014 issue of British Birds contains two reports.
Non-Native Breeding Birds in the UK, 2009–11
This Rare Breeding Birds Panel report covers only non-native species recorded breeding in the UK during 2009–11. A total of 26 species was recording breeding or potentially breeding during this period, two of them (Swan Goose and Speckled Teal) for the first time. Numbers of most species remain extremely small, but Barnacle Geese and Egyptian Geese have increased rapidly.
Report on Scarce Migrant Birds in Britain in 2008–10: Non-Passerines
This report presents data on scarce migrant non-passerines for the years 2008–10. For most species, these three years continued trends identified in the last report, covering 2004–07. Most Nearctic waders, notably American Golden Plover, Buff-breasted and Pectoral Sandpipers, showed further increases. There were two apparently separate influxes of Grey Phalaropes into southeast England and western Scotland in autumn 2008, which came close to doubling the previous highest national total of that species. Kentish Plover moved ever closer to national rarity status and two other species appeared to cross the national rarity threshold: Ferruginous Duck numbers averaged only ten over the three years and just two new Night Herons appeared in both 2009 and 2010.