The May 2014 issue of British Birds contains the first part of the Report on Scarce Migrant Birds in Britain in 2008–2010.
This report summarises the scarce passerine migrants recorded in Britain during 2008–10. Three good years for Red-rumped Swallow continued the trend towards increasing numbers in spring while, also from southern Europe, 33 Subalpine Warblers in 2010 represents the second-highest total on record. The fortunes of warblers with Siberian origins were mixed: increasing numbers of Yellow-browed Warblers maintained the trend apparent since 2000 and Radde’s Warbler had three impressive years, whereas fluctuating numbers of Pallas’s Leaf Warblers showed no pattern and annual totals of Dusky Warblers were poor. Other species faring poorly included Aquatic Warbler, Tawny Pipit and Rustic Bunting, which are now among the rarest birds considered in this report.