British Poultry Standards 6th edition is the official reference to all the recognised Poultry Standards in Great Britain. It contains complete specifications together with judging points for all standardised breeds and varieties, as compiled by the specialist Breed Clubs and recognised by the Poultry Club of Great Britain.
Breeding and exhibiting poultry is a long-held tradition as well as a popular and rewarding hobby. The work of the Breed Clubs and the many dedicated breeders in preserving the pure breeds is vital in maintaining our breeds of poultry not only for the cultural heritage of future generations but also as a gene bank for the commercial world. Under the guardianship of the Poultry Club of Great Britain, this book details the authorised standards of excellence for each breed.
Acknowledgements Introduction Standard feather markings Chief points of the fowl Classification of breeds Defects and deformities - Large fowl and bantams - Turkeys Waterfowl Introduction - Geese - Ducks Glossary
Victoria Roberts is a qualified veterinary surgeon and is a well known member of the Council of the Poultry Club of Great Britain.
It details authorised standards of excellence for each breed as well as complete specifications and judging points for all standardised breeds.
- Poultry World, September 2008 & Fancy Fowl, August 2008