British Wildlife is the leading natural history magazine in the UK, providing essential reading for both enthusiast and professional naturalists and wildlife conservationists. Published eight times a year, this subscription magazine bridges the gap between popular writing and scientific literature through a combination of long-form articles, regular columns and reports, book reviews and letters.
157 Beach-nesting Ringed Plovers and their conservation in England
Durwyn Liley, Leigh Lock, Andy Brown, Jim Scott and Wynona Legg
166 Natural reflections
Brett Westwood
167 British elephants
Peter Marren
173 Habitat management news
Compiled by Conservation Management Advice, RSPB
175 Keystone snails: the biology, behaviour, ecology and conservation of patellid limpets
Stephen Hawkins, Alan Hodgson and Louise Firth
186 Wild story
Amy-Jane Beer
187 A kaleidoscope of approaches to rewilding in Britain
Sara King and Emma Oldham
194 The Strawberry Tree
Pádraic Fogarty
195 Small ferns, birds and bulbs: the natural history of St Agnes
Rosemary Parslow
204 Flying kites – a view from Wales
James Robertson
205 Wildlife reports
Compiled by Guy Freeman
226 View from the Highlands
Michael Scott
227 Conservation news
Compiled by Sue Everett
233 Twitcher in the swamp
234 Book review