This second strategy, Building a Future for Wildlife: the World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Strategy, has been published by the World Zoo and Aquarium Association (WAZA). This document reinforces and expands the overall themes of the first document and presents a vision of the roles that all zoos and aquariums can and must play in the conservation of wildlife and of their ecosystems. The 72 page document, which is the result of assistance and advice from over 350 people, is truly international in its scope and in its production.
The Strategy is aimed at all zoos and aquariums, however large or small, however rich or poor, and not just those that are members of WAZA. The Strategy provides a common philosophy for zoos and aquariums across the globe and defines the standards and policies that are necessary to achieve their goals in conservation. The 2005 Strategy will be of use and interest not to only zoo and aquarium people but to anyone concerned with biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
The document begins with a supportive foreword from the Director General of The World Conservation Union (IUCN), and a preface by the President of WAZA and by the Chair of the WAZA Conservation Committee, that set out the genesis and production of the Strategy. The document comprises an Introduction, followed by nine chapters, with each chapter having a summary, a vision statement, a main text, conclusions, and a series of recommendations. The final pages include four appendices: a glossary of terms used in the text, a list of acronyms with their full title and website, acknowledgements, and a list of the illustrations.