It’s back! After 25 years, the comprehensive, fully documented exposition of Australian mystery animals – up-dated for all the developments which have taken place in the meantime. Unrecognized by science, bunyips, sea serpents, and yowies are declared to be myths, hoaxes, or misidentifications by unqualified witnesses with overactive imaginations. And yet...
- The Colonial Museum once held a bunyip skull, and the animal continued to be reported by white settlers for a century and a half.
- The navy was once called out to search Darwin Harbour for a sea serpent, and a team of scientists was flown onto a remote Tasmanian beach to investigate another monster.
- Massive stock killings by “big cats” have sparked the interest of state parliaments.
- A prominent politician was one of 20 witnesses to a giant ape in the Queensland bush.
Whether you are a keen cryptozoologist or just have an interested, open mind, you will not be able to read this book without coming to the conclusion that Australia’s hinterland and seas are the home of numerous large animals unknown to science.