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Cilia and Flagella – Ciliates and Flagellates Ultrastructure and Cell Biology, Function and Systematics, Symbiosis and Biodiversity

By: Klaus Hausmann(Editor), Renate Radek(Editor)
299 pages, 233 colour & b/w photos and colour & b/w illustrations, 4 tables
Cilia and Flagella – Ciliates and Flagellates
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  • Cilia and Flagella – Ciliates and Flagellates ISBN: 9783510652877 Hardback Aug 2014 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-3 weeks
Price: £54.99
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Cilia and Flagella – Ciliates and Flagellates Cilia and Flagella – Ciliates and Flagellates Cilia and Flagella – Ciliates and Flagellates Cilia and Flagella – Ciliates and Flagellates

About this book

Language: English

Cilia and Flagella: Ciliates and Flagellates presents a contemporary and imaginative synopsis of diverse biological aspects of cilia/flagella and ciliates/flagellates. It comprises contributions by a dozen of renowned experts from all over the world, which summarize our current understanding, essentially the results obtained and progress made during the last five decades of research of cilia/flagella and the ultrastructure, cell biology, organellar function, motility, taxonomy/systematics, symbiosis, and biodiversity of ciliates and flagellates.

Cilia and Flagella: Ciliates and Flagellates provides various suggestions for future research. It is lavishly illustrated by numerous line drawings and light- and electron-microscopic images.


List of Contributors V
Preface VII

Cilia and Flagella – Ciliates and Flagellates
Klaus Hausmann and Renate Radek 3

Cellular Architecture, Growth, Morphogenesis, Chemoattractants, and Loose Ends
Gregory A. Antipa 23
Ejection, Ingestion, Digestion, and Expulsion in Ciliates
Klaus Hausmann 47

Cell Biology
A Song of Praise for Paramecium as a Model in Vesicle Trafficking
A Sotto Voce Praise in Retrospect with Certain Reservation
Helmut Plattner 69
Ciliate Mating Types and Pheromones
Pierangelo Luporini, Claudio Alimenti, and Adriana Vallesi 95

Encounters with Cilia
Michael A. Sleigh 121
How do Protists keep up?
Hans Machemer 133
Ctenophores and Termites – Systems for Motility
Sidney L. Tamm 147
Taxonomy and Systematics
Kinetids, Concepts, and Coincidences
Denis H. Lynn 175
On Algal and other Protist Flagella and Cilia
Øjvind Moestrup 189

Insights into the Paramecium-Holospora and Paramecium-Chlorella Symbioses
Masahiro Fujishima and Yuuki Kodama 203
Prokaryotic Endosymbionts in Ciliates
Hans-Dieter Görtz 229
Symbionts of Symbionts – Termite Flagellates and their Bacterial Associations
Renate Radek and Jürgen F. H. Strassert 239

Smallest Protists in the Deepest Depths – Flagellates from Abyssal Sea Floors
Klaus Hausmann 255

Retro- and Prospective
Five Decades of Research in Protistology – What have We learned?
Jens Boenigk 267

Curricula Vitae of Contributors 277
Humor 287
Acknowledgements 290
Index 291

Customer Reviews

By: Klaus Hausmann(Editor), Renate Radek(Editor)
299 pages, 233 colour & b/w photos and colour & b/w illustrations, 4 tables
Media reviews

"This is a wonderfully eclectic volume that arose out of a meeting that gathered many of those who managed for a time to place protists at the very center of cell biology. An unofficial subtitle could be ‚Five decades of basic research’ with an accent on cell ultrastructure- 50 years of linking form and function. Most of the chapters are a mixture of review and personal notes from the perspective of an expert with several decades of experience.

The book is introduced by a chapter, authored by the editors, setting out the basic characteristics of flagella and flagellates, and cilia and ciliates. Subsequent chapters are grouped thematically: Ultrastructure, Cell Biology, Motility, Taxonomy and Systematics, Symbiosis, biodiversity and finally- Retro and Prospective.

Under Ultrastructure are two chapters. By Gregory Antipa, the chapter ‚Cellular architecture, growth, morphogenesis, chemoattractants, and loose ends’ re-caps his work with Dindinium prey capture and ingestion, ciliate cortex ultrastructure and linking ontogeny with phylogeny in ciliates. The other is „Ejection, ingestion, digestion and expulsion in ciliates by Klaus Hausmann summarizing his work on extrusosomes, the ultrastructures of feeding and contractile vacuole apparati in ciliates.

The section Cell Biology contains a chapter by Helmut Plattner aptly titled „A song of praise for Paramecium as a model in vesicle trafficking, A soto voce praise in retrospect with certain reservation”. The other is „Ciliate mating types and pheromones”, focusing on the story of Euplotes, authored by Pierangelo Luporini, Claudio Alimenti, and Adriana Vallesi.

3 chapters are under the heading Motility. „Encounters with cilia” on the mechanics of ciliary motion is recounted by Michael Sleigh. Mechano and gravity sensitivity are the topics of Hans Machemer’s chapter „How do protists keep up?”. Continuing with the mechanics of ciliary and flagellar motion is a chapter by Sidney Tamm, „Ctenophores and termites - systems for motility„.

Both ciliates and flagellates are treated in the section Taxonomy and Systematics. In „Kinetids, concepts, and coincidences” Denis Lynn tells the story of contemporary ciliate systematics. Øjvind Moestrup’s chapter „On algal and other protist flagella and cilia” reviews the history of our understanding of flagella and relationships to cilia.

The Symbiosis section consists of three chapters. Paramecium gets special attention in the chapter by Masahiro Fujishima and Yuuki Kodama „New insights into the Paramecium-Holospora and Paramecium-Chlorella Symbioses” and the chapter by Hans-Dieter Görtz „Prokaryotic endosymbionts in ciliates”. Flagellates are the focus of the third chapter by Renate Radek and Jürgen F. H. Strassert „Symbionts of Symbionts termite flagellates and the bacterial associations”.

The section Biodiversity is Klaus Hausmann’s chapter „Smallest protists in the deepest depth- flagellates from the abyssal sea floors”. The final section Retro and Prospective consists of Jens Boenigk’s chapter „Five decades of research in protistology - what have we learned.

Knowing where we have come from is essential to moving forward and each account tells not only where we came from but how we have gotten to where we are now. Each of the chapters are well and attractively illustrated. Overall, the book is very nicely produced and is simply a pleasure to read. This surprisingly modestly priced volume deserves a place in your personal library."

- John R. Dolan, Acta Protozoologica, Vol. 53, issue 2, page 233

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