Climate Adaptation and Flood Risk in Coastal Cities presents climate adaptation and flood risk problems and solutions in coastal cities – including an independent investigation of adaptation paths and problems in Rotterdam, New York and Jakarta. The comparison draws out lessons that each city can learn from the others. While the main focus is on coastal flooding, cities are also affected by climate change in other ways, including impacts that occur away from the coast. The New York City Water Supply System, for example, stretches as far as 120 miles upstate, and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection has undertaken extensive climate assessment not only for its coastal facilities, but also for its upstate facilities, which will be affected by rising temperatures, droughts, inland flooding and water quality changes.
The authors of Climate Adaptation and Flood Risk in Coastal Cities examine key questions, such as: Are current city plans climate proof or do we need to finetune our ongoing investments? Can we develop a flood proof subway system? And can we develop new infrastructure in such a way that it serves flood protection, housing and natural values?
1. Introduction
2. Global Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Cities
3. Socio-Economic Scenarios in Climate Adaptation Studies
4. Vulnerability of Port Infrastructure for the Port of Rotterdam
5. Storm Surge Modelling
6. Flood Risk Modelling
7. Climate Resilient Waterfronts
8. Innovative Flood Defenses in Highly Urbanized Watercities
9. Climate-Resilient Waterfront Development and Insurance in New York City
10. Navigable Storm Surge Barriers for Coastal Cities: An Overview and Comparison
11. Governance of Climate Change in Coastal Cities: The example of Hong Kong
12. Climate Adaptation in New York City
13. Climate Adaptation in the City of Jakarta
14. Climate Adaptation in the City of Rotterdam
Jeroen Aerts is Professor of Risk Management, Water and Insurance, at VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Wouter Botzen is an environmental economist at VU University Amsterdam. Malcolm Bowman is Professor of Physical Oceanography and a Distinguished Service Professor at the Marine Sciences Research Center (MSRC), State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA. Philip Ward is a Hydrologist at VU University Amsterdam. Piet Dircke is Professor of Water Management, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands.