This Working Group III contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report provides a comprehensive and transparent assessment of the literature on climate change mitigation. The report assesses progress in climate change mitigation options for reducing emissions and enhancing sinks. With greenhouse gas emissions at the highest levels in human history, this report provides options to achieve net zero, as pledged by many countries. The report highlights for the first time the social and demand-side aspects of climate mitigation, and assesses the literature on human behaviour, lifestyle, and culture, and its implications for mitigation action. It brings a wide range of disciplines, notably from the social sciences, within the scope of the assessment. IPCC reports are a trusted source for decision-makers, policymakers, and stakeholders at all levels (international, regional, national, local) and in all branches (government, businesses, NGOs).
Summary for Policymakers
Technical Summary
1. Introduction and Framing
2. Emissions Trends and Drivers
3. Mitigation Pathways Compatible with Long-term Goals
4. Mitigation and Development Pathways in the Near to Mid-term
5. Demand, Services and Social Aspects of Mitigation
6. Energy Systems
7. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFOLU)
8. Urban Systems and Other Settlements
9. Buildings
10. Transport
11. Industry
12. Cross-sectoral Perspectives
13. National and Sub-national Policies and Institutions
14. International Cooperation
15. Investment and Finance
16. Innovation, Technology Development and Transfer
17. Accelerating the Transition in the Context of Sustainable Development
Annex I. Glossary
Annex II. Definitions, Units and Conventions
Annex III. Scenarios and Modelling Methods
Annex IV. Contributors to the IPCC WGIII Sixth Assessment Report
Annex V. Expert Reviewers of the IPCC WGIII Sixth Assessment Report
Annex VI. Acronyms