'Climate Change: The UK Programme 2006' sets out the Government's policies and priorities for action on climate change in the UK and internationally. The first section examines the nature and scale of the challenge posed by climate change. It describes the existing international framework for action, including the G8 and EU meetings and resulting plans of action. The Government intends to build on these developments, and also try to influence the rapidly growing economies of India, China, Brazil and others so that they evolve as low-carbon economies.
The major part of the report is concerned with the UK's attempt to deliver the Kyoto Protocol target of reducing emissions of six greenhouse gases by 12.5 per cent below base year levels over the 2008-2012 period, and the domestic goal of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2010. Projections indicate that CO2 reduction by 2010 will only be some 10.6 per cent below the 1990 level.
Sections on the UK emission inventory and projections, the strategy to reduce emissions, and the energy supply sector, are followed by chapters covering particular economic sectors: business; transport, domestic; agriculture and forestry; the public sector.