This high quality picture atlas offers an elaborate overview of the most frequent diseases occurring in falcons. It enables veterinarians, falcon breeders and owners as well as laboratory technicians to utilize the knowledge of experienced scientists gained in decades of work with birds of prey. The most important diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa are described in association with clinical symptoms as well as pathological and histological findings. A separate chapter deals with hematology and clinical chemistry of flacons. Reference laboratory values in this special field, established through years of practical experience in falcon medicine, are provided. About 380 colored images with elaborate picture legends illustrate not only the clinical signs but also the diagnostic details. Contributions concerning the current vaccine scheme, the history of falconry in the Middle East and CITES requirements for protection of species round up the work.
Forward.Preface.Acknowledgement.1 Falcons and Falcontry in the Middle East.2 Haematology and Blood Biochemistry.Method for Blood Sample Collection.Automated Haematology SystemBlood Film Preparation and Staining.Reference Ranges.Glossary of Terms.Morphology of normal Falcon Blood Cells.The Different Anaemias in Birds.Haemorrhagic Anaemia.Haemolytic Anaemia.Depression Anaemia.Pictures of Normal Haematology of Different Falcon Species.Abnormalities in Falcon Leukocytes.Toxic Changes in Hetetrophils.Abnormal Lymphocytes.Appearance of Unusual Cells.Falcon Leukogramme.Leucocytosis.LeukopeniaHaematological Picture of Abnormal Leukocytes.Blood Biochemistry.3 Viral Diseases.Haematological Pictures of Falcons with Viral Infections.Paramyxovirus-1 Infection.Herpesvirus Infection.Falconpox.Influenza.4 Bacterial Diseases.Haematological Picture of Falcons with Bacterial Infections.Clostridium Perfringens Enterotoxaemia.Chlamydophilosis.Colisepticaemia.Pseudomonas Septicaemia.Pasteurellosis.Mycoplasmosis.Salmonellosis.Tetanus.Tuberculosis.5 FUNGAL DISEASES.Haematology Pictures of Aspergillosis.Aspergillosis.Other Fungal Diseases.Candidiasis.6 Parasitic Diseases.Protozoa.Haemoprotozoa.Malaria.Babesiosis.Haemoproteosis.Leucocytozo onosis.Protozoa of the Alimentary Tract.Trichomonsis(Frounce)Flagellate Enteritis.Coccidiosis.Helminths.Serratospiculosis.Capillariosis.Trichinellosi s.Other Helminths.Nematodes.Anisakidae.Cestodes(Tapeworm)Trematodes(Flukes)7 Miscellaneous Diseases.Poor Performance.Bumblefoot.Amyloidosis.Gout.Lead Intoxication.Ammonium Chloride (Schnather) Intoxication.8 Diseases of Unknown Aetiology.Brain.Muscle.Liver.9 Vaccination Regime.Literature. Subject Index.
Renate Wernery is a virologist, Central Veterinary Research Laboratory (CVRL), Dubai, UAE.
Ulrich Wernery is Scientific Director, Central Veterinary Research Laboratory (CVRL), Dubai, UAE.
Joerg Kinne, Department of Pathology, Central Veterinary Research Laboratory (CVRL), Dubai, UAE.
Jaime Samour is director of the Wildlife Division at Wrsan, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Regional Coordinator for North Africa and the Middle East of the World Conservation Union's (IUCN) Species Survival Commission. He has also served as the medical director of the Fahad bin Sultan Falcon Center, the world's largest falcon medical, research and teaching facility, and the head of the Veterinary Science Department at the National Avian Research Centre in Abu Dhabi, UAE. interesting overview..... will be of great use to anyone that has to deal with a significant number of falcons.
-European Journal of Companion Animal Practice