This book of 21 chapters is about the 'how' of desertification control as opposed to an analysis of the 'why' and fills a gap in the desertification-related literature in that it shows what to do in situations ranging from fixing mobile sands to arresting accelerated soil erosion in sloping lands. More than 40 years of work by the Chinese in sandy land reclamation has led to the development of effective techniques. There are numerous illustrations (many in color) to show the successful techniques.
Combating Desertification in Asia, Africa and the Middle East demonstrates that desertification and land degradation can be controlled and reversed with existing techniques in such widely varying environments as the Sahel of Africa to Sri Lanka and the Philippines in SE Asia, from high elevation in Lesotho to low lands on desert margins in Mongolia. Proven approaches include technical interventions, changes in governance and to the legislative framework and policy reform. The contributors are local experts working in-country and bring to Combating Desertification in Asia, Africa and the Middle East insights into many little-known aspects of the technical, ecological, social, cultural and economic factors determine success or failure of desertification control efforts.
Combating Desertification in Asia, Africa and the Middle East will be of great value to professionals from the donor community (World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, UN agencies and NGOs) to graduate student students and land managers tasked with responsibility to arrest and reverse desertification and land degradation.
Editor's Preface
Chapter 1 Introduction to Deserts and Desertified regions in China; G.A. Heshmati
Chapter 2 Controlling Sand Movement through Mechanical Measures: China's Experience; G.A. Heshmati
Chapter 3 Successful Biological methods for combating desertification at degraded areas of China; G.A. Heshmati
Chapter 4 Libya: Reversal of land degradation and desertification through better land management; Ali M Saad, Noresh M Shariff and S. Gariola
Chapter 5 Desertification and its control in Morocco; Y. Hammouzaki
Chapter 6 Egypt: Land degradation issues with special reference to the impact of Climate Change; Kh. Darwish, M. Safaa, A. Momou and S.A. Saleh
Chapter 7 Combating Desertification in Kenya; P.M. Nguru and D.K. Rono
Chapter 8 Lesotho: desertification control program; S. Moshoeshoe. and M. Sekantsi
Chapter 9 Desert Environments of Republic of Chad; Hakim Djibril
Chapter 10 Desertification Control in Niger: The medium Term Action Plan 2006-2011; Ibrahim Abdou
Chapter 11 Mongolia: Country Features, the Main Causes of Desertification and Remediation Efforts; O. Dorj, M. Enkhbold, S. Lkhamyanjin, Kh. Mijiddorj, A. Nosmoo, M. Puntsagnamil, U. Sainjargal
Chapter 12 Arid Land Development and Combating Desertification in Pakistan; M.Shahbaz, Muhammad Khalid Rafiq, Taj Naseeb Khan
Chapter 13 Uzbekistan: Rehabilitation of Desert Rangelands affected by Salinity, to Improve Food Security, Combat Desertification and maintain the Natural Resource Base; K.N. Toderich, E.V.Shuyskaya T.F Rajabov, Shoaib Ismail, M. , Shaumarov, Yoshiko Kawabata , LI E.V
Chapter 14 Review of efforts to Combat Desertification and arrest and reverse land degradation in Myanmar; N.N.O. Weine
Chapter 15 The Philippines Action Plan to Combat Desertification, Land Degradation, Drought and Poverty/a; G. M. Castro Jr
Chapter 16 Managing Arid Areas and Sand Dunes in Sri Lanka; R. P.M. Weerasinghe
Chapter 17 Indigenous plant species from the drylands of Iran, distribution and potential for habitat maintenance and repair; G.A Heshmati
Chapter 18 Soil and Water Conservation for Desertification control in Iran; Najafi Nejad
Chapter 19 Land Degradation in The Sultanate of Oman: Reasons and Interventions Measures; H. Al-Hashmi
Chapter 20 Desert Development: how does it relate to anti desertification measures? Victor R. Squires
Chapter 21 Replication and scaling up: where to from here? Victor R. Squires
List of the full botanical names of plants with authorities