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About this book
The geomorphological, surficial and geochemical processes and conditions of rivers require a tailored set of strategies and programs to successfully clean up contaminated river reaches. The primary purpose of this book is not only to provide students and professionals with an introductory understanding of fluvial geomorphic principles but also to explain using a process oriented approach how these geomorphic principles can be integrated with geochemical data to cost-effectively characterize, assess and remediate contaminated river systems. Numerous case studies from North America and many other parts of the world are included.
1 Contaminated Rivers: An Overview.- 2 Sediment-Trace Metal Interactions.- 3 Basin Processes.- 4 The Water Column - Concentration and Load.- 5 The Channel Bed - Contaminant Transport and Storage.- 6 Floodplains.- 7 River Metamorphosis.- 8 Remediation and Sediment Quality Criteria.- 9 Ex Situ Remediation and Channel Restoration.- 10 In Situ Remediation.- References.- Glossary.- Appendix A: USEPA RI/FS - Program.- Appendix B: Quaternary Dating Methods.
Customer Reviews
By: Jerry R Miller and Suzanne M Orbock Miller
418 pages, Figs, tabs
River contamination is a problem of global significance. This book provides a comprehensive and highly readable review of the role of fluvial geomorphic processes in understanding and predicting the dispersal and fate of contaminants in aquatic environments. Aimed at both students and professionals it forms an excellent introductory text to this rapidly developing field, especially in river basins experiencing rapid environmental change. Mark G. Macklin, Professor of Physical Geography and Director of the Centre for Catchment and Coastal Research, University of Aberystwyth, UK. "This excellent book clearly and graphically explains the geochemical and geomorphological principles influencing the contamination of river systems, and cost-effective methods for contaminated river assessment and remediation. I shall certainly be recommending it to all of my students and colleagues." Karen Hudson-Edwards, Lecturer in Environmental Geology, Birkbeck, University of London, UK Aus den Rezensionen: "! Miller/Orbock Miller unternehmen in ihrem ausgezeichnet strukturierten ! Lehrbuch ! neben umfangreichen Betrachtungen zur Rolle fluvialer geomorphologischer Prozesse auch den gelungenen Versuch, die unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen dieser Prozesse zu charakterisieren. Schritt um Schritt fuhren die Autoren durch das wissenschaftlich komplexe Thema. ! Contaminated Rivers ist ein durchgehend analytisch und hervorragend explizierend angelegtes Lehrbuch ! Es besticht nicht nur mit einer Vielzahl an Abbildungen und Listungen, sondern auch durch KIassifizierungen und mathematische wie auch physikalische Formeln ! Insgesamt liefern Miller/Miller Orbock eine lehrreiche, wissenschaftlich jederzeit haltbare Bestandsaufnahme !" (