Over the last three decades drought episodes have resulted in severe social problems in Mediterranean countries, receiving broad attention from the international scientific and policy communities. The experiences in the development and implementation of drought management plans highlight the success and challenges of coping with drought for societies with different vulnerabilities and emphasize risk-based drought management as a critical approach to mitigate the impacts associated to drought-induced water shortages.
Based on these experiences and the current methods for evaluating risk, the book synthesises guidelines for drought management that link science and policy and that can be applied to other regions.
Part I Challenges to drought management in Mediterranean countries
1. Drought Monitoring as a Component of Drought Preparedness Planning Donald A. Wilhite
2. Soft law principles for improving drought management in Mediterranean countries Esther Lopez-Barrero and Ana Iglesias
3. A checklist for drought policy development Nicos X. Tsiourtis 4. An environmental focus on drought: the Water Framework Directive Abel La Calle Marcos
5. Guidelines to develop drought management plans Ana Iglesias, Luis Garrote and Antonino Cancelliere
Part II Methods and approaches for drought management
6. Drought characterisation in the Mediterranean George Tsakiris and Dialekti Pangalou
7. A Paradigm for Applying Risk and Hazard Concepts in Proactive Planning George Tsakiris
8. Assessment of drought risk in water supply systems Antonino Cancelliere, Vincenzo Nicolosi and Giuseppe Rossi
9. Mathematical models for reservoir operation in Tunisia Mohammed Hedi Louati and Fethi Lebdi
10. Risk management instruments supporting drought planning and policy Alberto Garrido, Almudena Gomez-Ramos
11. Methods for evaluating social vulnerability to drought Ana Iglesias, Marta Moneo and Sonia Quiroga
12. Methods for social participation and conflict resolution Ignacio Celaya, Antonio Rodriguez Perea and Xavi Carbonell
Part III Learning from the Case studies
13. Development of drought management plans in Spain Luis Garrote, Ana Iglesias and Francisco Flores
14. Characterizing drought risk in a Sicilian river basin Giuseppe Rossi, Brunella Bonaccorso, Vincenzo Nicolosi and Antonino Cancelliere
15. The role of groundwater during drought Maria Casado, Francisco Flores and Roberto Gil
16. Drought severity thresholds and drought management in Greece Dialekti Pangalou, Dimitris Tigkas, Harris Vangelis, George Tsakiris and Aikaterini Nanou-Giannarou
17. Using and testing drought indicators Luis Garcia, Alejandro Carrasco and Juan Carlos Ibanez
18. Drought management in the urban water supply system of Canal de Isabel II, Spain Francisco Cubillo
19. The role of non-conventional and lower quality water for the satisfaction of the domestic needs in drought management plans Nicos X. Tsiourtis
Annex 1. Glossary of terms and concepts
Dr. Ana Iglesias is a Research Scientist at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid in Spain and previously in the Goddard Institute for Space Studies at Columbia University in New York. Her research focuses in understanding the interactions of global change with agriculture and water resources. Scientific advances include national and regional evaluations of adaptation strategies, focusing in the risk of vulnerable populations. She has contributed to programs of the U.N. Environmental Programme, UNESCO, U.S. Agency for International Development, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She leads the development of Drought Management Guidelines within the MEDA program of the European Union. Prof. Luis Garrote is a Professor of Civil Engineering: Hydraulics and Energetics at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid in Spain and received formal training at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. His academic and scientific contributions to planning and management of hydrological systems include development of hydrological models, flood forecasting, reservoir management, and intelligent decision support systems. His distinguished professional record in the integrated water resources management includes collaborations with National and International Administrations. He has developed widely applied projects financed by the programs of research and development of private companies, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, and the European Union. Prof. Donald Wilhite. The ongoing challenge of Dr. Wilhite's work is convincing policy makers of the advantages of drought preparedness plans and mitigation actions and programs, in contrast to the more typical crisis management approach. Policy makers often do not understand drought climatology, and scientists have trouble providing probability-based information in a format that non-scientists can comprehend. Risk-based drought management can eliminate or reduce many of the impacts associated with drought-induced water shortages. Governments at all levels should take a multidisciplinary, interagency approach to drought planning as pressure on water and other natural resources increases as a result of increasing and shifting population and many other factors. Dr. Wilhite directs the National Drought Mitigation Center and the International Drought Information Center. He is a professor in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska--Lincoln, where he has been on the faculty since 1977. His research centers on drought management and preparedness, the policy implications of climate variability and climate change, and the effects of climate on society. In conjunction with this research, he has conducted training seminars and workshops in developing and developed countries to help governments create drought plans.