Plant development and productivity are negatively regulated by various environmental stresses. Abiotic stress factors such as heat, cold, drought, and salinity represent key elements limiting agricultural productivity worldwide. Thus, developing crop plants with the ability to tolerate abiotic stresses is a critical need which demands modern novel strategies for the thorough understanding of plant response to abiotic stresses.
Crop Improvement under Adverse Conditions will serve as a cutting-edge resource for researchers and students alike who are studying plant abiotic stress tolerance and crop improvement. Crop Improvement Under Adverse Conditions presents the latest trends and developments in the field, including the impact of extreme events on salt tolerant forest species of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, the overlapping horizons of salicylic acid in different stresses, and fast and reliable approaches to crop improvement through In Vitro haploid production.
Written by renowned experts and featuring useful illustrations and photographs, Crop Improvement under Adverse Conditions is a concise and practical update on plant abiotic stress tolerance and crop improvement.
1. The Research, Development, Commercialization, and Adoption of Drought and Stress Tolerant Crops - Gregory Graff, Gal Hochman, David Zilberman 0
2. Impact of Extreme Events on Salt Tolerant Forest Species of Andaman & Nicobar Islands (India) - Alok Saxena, P. Ragavan, Mani Saxena 0
3. Greenhouse Gases Emission from Rice Paddy Ecosystem and their Management - T. B. Dakua, L. Rangan, Sudip Mitra 0
4. Remote Sensing Applications to Infer Yield of Tea in a Part of Sri Lanka - Saumitra Mukherjee, Jayasekara Balasuriya Don Aruna Pradeep Kumara, Chander Kumar Singh 0
5. Polyamines Contribution to the Improvement of Crop Plants Tolerance to Abiotic Stress - Ana Bernardina Menendez, Andres Alberto Rodriguez, Santiago Javier Maiale, Kessler Margarita Rodriguez, Bremont Juan Francisco Jimenez, Oscar Adolfo Ruiz 0
6. Overlapping Horizons of Salicylic Acid in Different Stresses - Mohd Irfan, Shamsul Hayat, Arif Shafi Wani, Aqil Ahmad 0
7. Genotoxic Stress, DNA Repair and Crop Productivity - Alma Balestrazzi, Massimo Confalonieri, Anca Macovei, Mattia Dona, Daniela Carbonera 0
8. In Vitro Haploid Production - A Fast and Reliable Approach for Crop Improvement - Rashmi Rekha Hazarika, Vijay Kumar Mishra, Rakhi Chaturvedi 0
9. Production of Abiotic Stress Tolerant Fertile Transgenic Plants using Androgenesis and Genetic Transformation Methods in Cereal Crops - Shahinul Islam, Narendra Tuteja
10. Plant Diseases - Control and Remedy through Nanotechnology - Remya Nair, D. Sakthi Kumar
11. Nanobiotechnology: Scope and potential for crop improvement - Faheem Ahmed, Nishat Arshi, Shalendra Kumar, Sarvajeet Singh Gill, Ritu Gill, Narendra Tuteja, Bon Heun Koo
12. Role of Nematode Trapping Fungi for Crop Improvement under Adverse Conditions - Rakesh Kumar Singh, Dipesh Kumar Trivedi, Amit Srivastava
13. Sugars As Antioxidants in Plants - Darin Peshev, Wim Van den Ende
14. Chromium Toxicity and Tolerance in Crop Plants - Ishrat Khan, Hema Diwan, Altaf Ahmad
15. Boron Toxicity and Tolerance in Crop Plants - Robert J. Reid
16. Arsenic Toxicity in Crop Plants: Approaches for Stress Resistance - Dhammaprakash Pandahri Wankhede, Meetu Gupta, Alok Krishna Sinha
17. Mechanism of Cadmium Toxicity and Tolerance in Crop Plants - Sarvajeet Singh Gill, Naser Aziz Anjum, Ritu Gill, Mirza Hasanuzzaman, Pankaj Sharma, Narendra Tuteja
Narenda Tuteja International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Plant Molecular Biology Group, New Delhi,
India Sarvajeet Singh Gill, PhD Maharshi Dayanand University, Centre for Biotechnology, Stress Physiology & Molecular Biology Laboratory, Rohtak, Haryana, India