The long-term governance of radioactive waste continues to be a major complex and contentious socio-technical issue worldwide. Traditionally, it has been considered as mainly a challenge to scientists and engineers to develop technical "solutions" to specific problems. But increasingly these narrow solutions have been enlarged by wider societal considerations such as ethics, public involvement, control and retrievability - needs that have in the meanwhile been recognised by the nuclear community, at least in a general way. In this book, we analyse motives for a broad discourse as well as suggest prerequisites to launch it. The author attempts to give a novel, empirically based and technically sound treatment of fundamental issues in long-term management and governance. Written to be accessible to a wide selection of the interested public, the study proposes a combination of technical design issues, analysis methods and institutional backup in a dynamic procedure, and with involvement at all levels of political, commercial and social life.
Preface.- Summary.- Introduction.- Part I: Overall Issue and Methodology. Setting and Topics at Issue.- Objectives and Aim.- Research Political Embedding.- Issues under Investigation, Evidence and Validation.- Part II: Perspective "From Below": Risk Perception of the Public.- Insights from Risk Perception Research.- Risk Perception in Radioactive Waste Issues.- Part III: Perspective "From Above": Decision Processes.- Insights From Decision Science.- Development of Decision Making in Technical Systems. Decisions in Radioactive Waste Management.- Siting as an Example of Sub-Optimum Decision-Making.- Part IV: Conclusions and further Development.- Patterns of Arguments In Radioactive Waste Governance.- Fundamentals of a Comparison of Disposition Options.- Proposal for a Concept of an Overall System Robustness.- References.- Index.
Aus den Rezensionen: "! Das dieser Arbeit zugrunde liegende Leitmotiv ist die Frage, was jeder Akteur zur Losung der Entsorgungsproblematik beitragen kann ... Das Buch richtet sich ... an Leser, die die Endlagerdebatte in der Schweiz im geschichtlichen Kontext nachvollziehen und aus ihr lernen wollen. ... Tatsachlich leistet der Autor ... eine umfassende ... Sichtung und Zitierung der Quellen. Sein mehrteiliges und transparentes Literatur-System ermoglicht ... eine sofortige Unterscheidung von Primar- und Sekundarquellen. ... Flueler leistet auch einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Diskussion von Risikowahrnehmung im Bereich der nuklearen Entsorgung !" (Matthias Deutsch und Sonja Walti, Fallstudie zur Schweizer Entsorgungspolitik, in: Technikfolgenabschatzung Theorie und Praxis, 2007, Vol. 16, Issue 1, S. 92 ff.)