Many leading discoveries have been prompted by parallels between nature and human design. Today, advances in scientific knowledge coupled with powerful computers and simulation models have made possible comprehensive studies of nature. Design and Nature III contains the papers presented at the 3rd International Conference on Design and Nature. This conference acts as a forum for researchers from around the world working on a variety of studies involving nature and its significance to modern scientific thought and design.
The Conference provides a channel of communication between all those working in this exciting new discipline, whether they are in academia, research institutions or industry. Notable topics include: Design in Nature; Shape and Form in Engineering and Nature; Nature and Architectural Design; Thermodynamics in Nature; Biomimetics; Natural Materials in Engineering; Mechanics in Nature; Bioengineering; Bionics; Solutions from Nature; Evolutionary Optimization; Complexity; Sustainability Studies.
Flapping-wing aerohydromechanics in nature and engineering
K. D. Jones; M. F. Platzer;
A graphic way for notch shape optimization
C. Mattheck; J. Sörensen; K. Bethge;
An inquiry into the morphology of Ciliate Protozoa using an engineering design approach
E. L. Benjamin; M. W. Collins; D. McL. Roberts;
The optimized shape of a leaf petiole
D. Pasini; V. Mirjalili;
Sculpture house in Belgium by Jacques Gillet
S. Van de Voorde; R. De Meyer; E. De Kooning; L. Taerwe; R. Van De Walle;
Analysis of the ‘Cappadocian cave house’ in Turkey as the historical aspect of the usage of nature as a basis of design
P. Yıldız;
Build trees
M. Despang;
Thermal performance of a dome-covered house
Y. Lin; R. Zmeureanu;
Biodegradable building
P. Sassi;
Self-healing processes in nature and engineering: self-repairing biomimetic membranes for pneumatic structures
T. Speck; R. Luchsinger; S. Busch; M. Rüggeberg; O. Speck;
Functional information and entropy in living systems
A. C. McIntosh;
Biomimetics of spider silk spinning process
G. De Luca; A. D. Rey;
The preparation of biomimetic nano-AlO surface modification materials on gray cast iron surface
Y. Liu; L. Q. Ren; Z. W. Han; S. R. Yu;
Biomimetics: extending nature’s design of thin-wall shells with cellular cores
M. A. Dawson; L. J. Gibson;
Designing new lubricant additives using biomimetics
A. Morina; T. Liskiewicz; A. Neville;
Preparation, microstructure and properties of biomimetic nanocomposite coating
L. Q. Ren; Y. Liu; S. R. Yu; Z. W. Han; H. X. Hu;
Vision assistant: a human–computer interface based on adaptive eye-tracking
V. Hardzeyeu; F. Klefenz; P. Schikowski;
Structural and torsional properties of the palm petiole
A. G. Windsor-Collins; M. A. Atherton; M. W. Collins; D. F. Cutler;
A model for adaptive design
T. Willey;
Reinforcement ropes against shear in leaves
C. Mattheck; A. Sauer; R. Kappel;
Experimental investigation of moist-air transport through natural materials porous media
I. Conte; X. Peng;
Simulation of perspiration in sweating fabric manikin-Walter
J. Fan;
State of the art of solid freeform fabrication for soft and hard tissue engineering
P. J. S. Bártolo;
Using Murray’s law to design artificial vascular microfluidic networks
R. W. Barber; K. Cieślicki; D. R. Emerson;
Biomimetic robots for robust operation in unstructured environments
G. S. Ravindrabhai;
Animal analogies for developing design thinking
C. Dowlen;
Development of a novel flapping mechanism with adjustable wing kinematics for micro air vehicles
A. T. Conn; S. C. Burgess; R. A. Hyde;
Bionics vs. biomimicry: from control nature to sustainable participation nature
D. C. Wahl;
Active and adaptive sustainable environments for children’s outdoor space
M. Winkler; S. Macaulay;
The creation of an eco-tourism site: a case study of Pulau Singa Besar
A. Abdullah; A. M. Abdul Rahman; A. Bahauddin; B. Mohamed;
Development and experience with a technical elective course “fluid flows in nature”
J. A. Schetz;
New educational tools and curriculum enhancements for motivating engineering students to design and realize bio-inspired products
H. A. Bruck; A. L. Gershon; I. Golden; S. K. Gupta; L. S. Gyger; E. B. Magrab; B. W. Spranklin;