The Dorylaimida represent a large and very important group of soil and freshwater inhabiting nematodes of great agricultural importance. Both in appearance and mode of life they represent a wide diversity and as a consequence the number of species and higher taxa that have been described hitherto is the highest within Nematoda. The identification of species, genera, families, etc. of Dorylaimida is very difficult and at times causes problems for the specialist too. The large number of species on the one hand and often the meagre descriptions on the other make even well-known taxonomists to look at Dorylaimida with great hesitation and desperation. M. Shamim Jairajpuri and Wasim Ahmad have undertaken a great task in summarizing, evaluating and systematizing all the knowledge that has been published so far.
"The monumental work is a true profit for science. It will remain a standard on the group for many years to come. Every nematologist may say thanks to the authors for their invaluable publication."
- I. Andrassy, Opus Zoologica, 1994.
'"The authors' efforts to systematize the available taxonomic knowledge regarding the order Dorylaimida were successfully accomplished. Present monograph is practically the only book on the market in which one can find up-to-date comprehensive information and useful identification keys on all the groups presently placed in one of the most important free-living nematode order, the Dorylaimida. [...] it is a valuable aid not only for nematologists, but for everyone dealing with zoology or ecology of soil and freshwater systems."
- Peter Nagy, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1995.