Presents information and interpretations of the ancient glacial record, looking in particular at the Late Proterozoic and Late Palaeozoic eras.
1. Geodynamic controls on glaciation in Earth history N. Eyles and G. M. Young; 2. Glacial-marine facies in the continental rift environment: Neoproterozoic rocks of the western United States Cordillera P. K. Link, J. M. G. Miller and N. Christie-Blick; 3. The Neoproterozoic Konnarock formation, southwestern Virginia, USA: glaciolacustrine facies in a continental rift J. M. G. Miller; 4. Glaciogenic deposits of the Permo-Carboniferous Dwyka Group in the eastern region of the Karoo Basin, South Africa V. Von Brunn; 5. Itarare Group: Gondwanan Carboniferous-Permian of the Parana Basin, Brazil A. B. Franca; 6. The interpretation of massive rain-out and debris-flow diamictites from the glacial-marine environment J. N. J. Visser; 7. Neoproterozoic tillite and tilloid in the Aksu area, Tarim Basin, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, Northwest China Lu Zongnian and Gao Zhenjia; 8. Lithology, sedimentology and genesis of the Zhengmuguan Formation of Ningxia, China Lu Zongnian, Gao Zhenjia, Zheng Zhaochang, Li Yuzhen and Li Huaikun; 9. Architectural styles of glacially influenced marine deposits on tectonically active and passive margins M. R. Gipp; 10. Marine to non-marine sequence architecture of an intracratonic glacially related basin. Late Proterozoic of the West African platform in western Mali J. N. Proust and M. Deynoux; 11. The enigmatic Late Proterozoic glacial climate: an Australian perspective G. E. Williams; 12. Isotopic signatures of carbonates associated with Sturtian (Neoproterozoic) glacial facies, central Flinders Ranges, South Australia A. R. Crossing and V. A. Gostin; 13. Reactive carbonate in glacial systems: a preliminary synthesis of its creation, dissolution and reincarnation I. J. Fairchild, L. Bradby and B. Spiro; 14. A Permian argillaceous syn- to post-glacial foreland sequence in the Karoo Basin, South Africa J. N. J. Visser; 15. A palaeoenvironmental study of black mudrock in the glacigenic Dwyka Group from the Boshof-Hertzogville regional northern part of the Karoo Basin, South Africa D. I. Cole and A. D. M. Christie; 16. Late Paleozoic post-glacial inland sea filled by fine-grained turbidites: Mackellar Formation, Central Transantarctic Mountains M. F. Miller and J. W. Collinson; 17. Ice scouring structures in Late Paleozoic rhythmites, Parana Basin, Brazil A. C. Rocha-Campos, P. R. Dos Santos and J. R. Canuto; 18. Soft-sediment striated surfaces and massive diamicton facies produced by floating ice C. M. T. Woodworth-Lynas and J. A. Dowdeswell; 19. Environmental evolution during the early phase of Late Proterozoic glaciation, Human, China Qi Rui Zhang.