Containing the proceedings of the latest in a series of conferences on the emerging topic of eco-architecture, Eco-Architecture IV: Harmonisation Between Architecture and Nature presents the newest research in the field. Eco-architecture requires that buildings be in harmony with nature, including their immediate environs. Locations, siting and orientation, as well as the materials used, should be chosen based on ecological appropriateness. Practitioners make every effort to minimize the use of energy at each stage of a building's life cycle, including that embodied in the extraction and/or fabrication as well as the transportation of the materials used and their assembly into the building.
There is even consideration given to the ease and value of changing use of a building and component recycling when the building's life is over. Designers may also carefully control the energy required for building maintenance, not to mention lighting, heating and cooling, especially when the energy consumed is related to greenhouse gas emissions. Passive energy systems such as natural ventilation, summer shading and winter solar heat gain also play a role, as do alternative sources of energy for heat and electricity, e.g. solar and wind power.
Papers presented cover topics such as: Design with Nature; Ecological and Cultural Sensitivity; Energy Efficiency; Bioclimatic Design; Vertical Greenery Systems; Ecological Impact of Materials; Building Technologies; Education and Training; Case Studies.
Sustainable tourism within an eco-city context: analytical study for the master plan of Siwa City, Egypt
M. M. Salem; H. El-Shimy;
The Minangkabau house: architectural and cultural elements
A. Bahauddin; S. Hardono; A. Abdullah; N. Z. Maliki;
A survey on the sustainability patterns in Iranian desert architecture
A. Hashemi; F. Barmaki;
Design procedures for an average Saudi villa using integrated green building techniques
A. H. Besheer; W. El-Hamidi;
Effect of skylight configuration and sky type on the daylight impression of a room
P. Seuntiens; M. van Boven; D. Sekulovski;
New generation of energy design tools for low impact buildings
B. Mirani; L. Mahdjoubi;
The effect of light and colour in architectural design
M. Mahan; S. Kashizadeh;
Learning from traditional architecture
S. Schelbach; U. Dietrich;
Elements of ecological architecture in Theologos: a traditional settlement on Thassos Island, Greece
K. Lantitsou; B. Stefanis;
Questioning public art
M. Mustafa; M. Begum; A. Backer; J. Dollah;
Can a hotel be ecological?
E. Trocka-Leszczyn'ska; J. Jablonska;
MSWI bottom ash as eco-aggregate in cement mortar design
Z. Pavlík; M. Keppert; M. Pavlíková; J. For(t; O. Michalko; R. C(erný;
Developing a sustainable land ethic in 21st century cities
G. E. Kirsch;
Challenges of cost-effective high-performance residential construction on the US market: lessons learned from building Utah’s most energy-efficient and cost-effective house
J. Rügemer;
Passive and active hybrid approach to building design in Saudi Arabia
M. S. Almatawa; A. A. Elmualim; E. A. Essah;
High performing building as a pier for sustainable tourism in the protected area of Bracciano Lake in Italy
F. Cumo; F. Cinquepalmi; E. Pennacchia; V. Sforzini;
The energy transect; including sustainability issues in urban morphology analyses
E. Troglio; T. Haas; T. Martschenko; S. Pagluila;
Cooling performance of Persian wind towers
M. Hejazi; B. Hejazi;
Bioclimatic residence design in the Xanthi region
K. Lantitsou; D. Christodoulou;
Use of environmental parameters in building envelope design
N. Nikolov;
A sustainability evaluation of vertical greenery systems based on emergy
R. M. Pulselli; N. Patrizi; F. M. Pulselli; S. Bastianoni;
Vertical greening systems: contribution to thermal behaviour on the building envelope and environmental sustainability
K. Perini; M. Ottelé;
Thermo-physical performances of living walls via field measurements and numerical analysis
U. Mazzali; F. Peron; M. Scarpa;
Influence of characteristic types of thermal insulation on energy savings of AAC-based building envelope: a comparison
V. Koc(í; J. Made(ra; R. C(erný;
Natural zeolite as environmentally friendly supplementary cementitious material in concrete
E. Vejmelková; T. Kulovaná; M. Keppert; M. Ondrác(ek; R. C(erný;
Towards near zero energy dwellings by heat pump implementation in HVAC plants
L. Schibuola; S. Martini; M. Scarpa; C. Tambani;
Sustainable strategies and methods for the energetic improvement of social housing stock in Italy
S. Brunoro;
Methods for air tightness analysis for residential buildings in Nordic countries
I. Allard; T. Olofsson; O. A. B. Hassan;
Optimization methods for determination of moisture diffusivity of building materials in the drying phase
J. Koc(í; J. Made(ra; M. Jerman; R. C(erný;
Renewable energy sources for historic buildings: the Crucifers Convent in Venice
L. Schibuola; C. Tambani;
Raising awareness for sustainability in basic design
D. G. Ozer; B. Satici; B. O. Turan; M. Soygenis;
Zero-cooling-energy-buildings in hot climates: experiences and results from a university teaching course
U. Dietrich; S. Calderon;
Eco-technologies for retrofitting social housing stock: strategies for an Italian case study
A. Boeri; D. Longo;
Thermal comfort in sustainable buildings: case study Cenpes/UFRJ-RJ/Brazil
E. Vazquez; A. Neto; S. M. Rola; L. Alves; M. Freitas; L. Pinguelli Rosa;
Solar cooling design: a case study
S. Grignaffini; M. Romagna;
Comparing energy signature analysis to calculated U-values in wooden houses in a cold climate
G. Nordström; S. Lidelöw; H. Johnsson;
The sustainability of construction: techniques and technologies for energy efficiency and the reduction of greenhouse gases – methodological aspects
S. M. Rola; E. G. Vasquez; L. F. B. Carvalho; I. C. Leite da Fonseca; M. A. Vasconcelos de Freitas; L. Pinguelli Rosa;
Between experimentation and validation: the Bavarian experience of eco-districts and urban regeneration policies
A. Maahsen-Milan;