The present book Ecology of Tehri Dam greatly emphasize on the limnological study of reservoir. Reservoirs are of much importance as they are our store of freshwater and provide the water during the drought, to local areas for agriculture for domestic use etc. Now a days the reservoirs are also used for commercial purposes like for fish culture, tourism which can generate a good economical benefits to the locals as well as to government departments.
The monthly fluctuation of differently parameters are presented and discussed about their interrelations with plankton and fishes. In addition to this the data given in Ecology of Tehri Dam is a documentation which could be of great help to the researchers pursuing there work in the field of limnology, aquatic biology. Book could found to be great benefit to the planners for designing plans for making this kind of reservoirs with their positive and negative impacts.
1. Introduction
2. Review of literature
3. Materials and methods
4. Observations
5. Discussion
6. General summary