This Soil Biology volume describes the biology and ecology of edible ectomycorrhizal fungi. A focus is on the improved techniques for truffle cultivation, e.g. the exciting results in Oceania and America where these exotic fungi are being cultivated through the aid of soil modification. Further chapters cover topics such as the possibilities of co-cropping truffles with other economic crops, the encouraging results in the cultivation of edible mushrooms in arid and semiarid soils as well as medicinal, environmental, economic and management aspects.
- Biology & Ecology of Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms
- Cultivation of Edible Etomycorrhizal Mushrooms (with main focus on truffles) and case studies
- Wild Collected Edible Etomycorrhizal Mushrooms: Economics, Conservation, Management
- The Edible Ectomycorrhizal Mushroom industry in the age of "-omics"