About this book
Provides thorough coverage, from applied microbiology to ecology, systematics, genetics, medical microbiology, ethical and legal issues and historical perspectives. 300 articles with 65% new material.
Contents by Subject Area. Preface. From the Preface to the First Edition. Guide to the Encyclopedia. Acknowledgments. VOLUME 1 - A-C: ABC Transport. Acetic Acid Production. Acetogenesis and Acetogenic Bacteria. Actinomycetes. Adhesion, Bacterial. Aerobic Respiration: Oxidases and Globins. Aerosol Infections. Agrobacterium. Agrobacterium and Plant Cell Transformation. AIDS, Historical. Airborne Microorganisms and Indoor Air Quality. Alkaline Environments. Amino Acid Function and Synthesis. Amino Acid Production. Aminoglycosides, Bioactive Bacterial Metabolites. Amylases, Microbial. Anaerobic Respiration. Antibiotic Biosynthesis. Antibodies and B Cells. Antifungal Agents. Antigenic Variation. Antisense RNAs. Antiviral Agents. Arboviruses. Archaea. Arsenic. Attenuation, Transcriptional. Autotrophic CO2 Metabolism. Metabolism. Azotobacter. Bacillus subtilis, Genetics. Bacteriocins. Bacterophages. Beer/Brewing. Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus. Biocatalysis for Synthesis of Chiral Pharmaceutical Intermediates. Biocides. Biodegradation. Biodeterioration: In Wood, Architecture, Art, and Other Media. Biofilms and Biofouling. Biological Control of Weeds. Biological Nitrogen Fixation. Biological Warfare. Bioluminescence, Microbial. Biomonitors of Environmental Contamination by Microorganisms. Biopesticides, Microbial. Biopolymers, Production and Uses of. Bioreactor Monitoring and Control. Bioreactors. Bioremediation. Biosensors. Biosurfactants. Biotransformations. Carbohydrate Synthesis and Metabolism. Carbon and Nitrogen Assimilation, Regulation of. Careers in Microbiology. Caulobacter, Genetics. Cell Division, Prokaryotes. Cell Membrane: Structure and Function. Cellular Immunity. Cellulases. Cell Walls, Bacterial. Chemotaxis. Chlamydia. Cholera. Cholera, Historical. Chromosome, Bacterial. Chromosome Replication and Segregation. Clostridia. Coenzyme and Prosthetic Group Biosynthesis. Conjugation, Bacterial. Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Continuous Culture. Cosmetic Microbiology. Crystalline Bacterial Cell Surface Layers. Cyanobacteria. VOLUME 2 - D-K: Dairy Products. Detection of Bacteria in Blood: Centrifugation and Filtration. Developmental Processes in Bacteria. Diagnostic Microbiology. Dinoflagellates. Diversity, Microbial. DNA Repair. DNA Replication. DNA Restriction and Modification. DNA Sequencing and Genomics. Downy Mildews. Ecology, Microbial. Economic Consequences of Infectious Diseases. Education in Microbiology. Emerging Infections. Energy Transduction Processes: From Respiration to Photosynthesis. Enteropathogenic Bacteria. Enteroviruses. Enzymes, Extracellular. Enzymes in Biotechnology. ErwiniaL Genetics of Pathogenicity Factors. Escherchia coli, General Biology. Escherchia coli, and Salmonella, Genetics. Evolution, Theory and Experiments. Exobiology. Exotoxins. Extremeophiles. Eyespot. Fermentation. Fermented Foods. Fimbriae, Pili. Flagella. Food-borne Illnesses. Food Spoilage and Preservation. Foods, Quality Control. Freeze-Drying of Microorganisms. Freshwater Microbiology. Fungal Infections, Cutaneous. Fungal Infections, Systemic. Fungi, Filamentous. Gaeumannomyces graminis. Gastrointestinal Microbiology. Genetically Modified Organisms: Guidelines and Regulations from Research. Genomic Engineering of Bacterial Metabolisms. Germfree Animal Techniques. Global Burden of Infectious Diseases. Glycogen Biosynthesis. Glyoxylate Bypass in Escherichia coli. Gram-Negative Anaerobic Pathogens. Gram-Negative Cocci, Pathogenic. Growth Kinetics, Bacterial. Haemophilus influenzae, Genetics. Heat Stress. Heavy Metal Pollutants: Environmental and Biotechnological Aspects. Heavy Metals, Bacterial Resistances. Helicobacter pylori. Hepatitis Viruses. Heterotrophic Microorganisms. High-Pressure Habitats. History of Microbiology. Horizontal Transfer of Genes between Microorganisms. Identification of Bacteria, Computerized. Industrial Biotechnology, Overview. Industrial Effluents: Sources, Properties, and Treatments. Industrial Fermentation Processes. Infectious Waste Management. Influenza Viruses. Insecticides, Microbial. Interferons. International Law and Infectious Disease. Intestinal Protozoan Infections in Humans. Iron Metabolism. VOLUME 3 - L-P: Lactic Acid Bacteria. Lactic Acid, Microbially Produced. Legionella. Leshmania. Lignocellulose, Lignin, Ligninases. Lipases, Industrial Uses. Lipid Biosynthesis. Lipids, Microbially Produced. Lipopolysaccharides. Low-Nutrient Environments. Low-Temperature Environments. Luteoviridae. Lyme Disease. Malaria. Mapping Bacterial Genomes. Meat and Meat Products. Mercury Cycle. Metal Extraction and Ore Discovery. Methane Biochemistry. Methane Production/Agricultural Waste Management. Methanogenesis. Method, Philosophy of. Methylation of Nucleic Acids and Proteins. Methylotrophy. Microbes and the Atmosphere. Microscopy, Confocal. Microscopy, Electron. Microscopy, Optical. Mutagenesis. Mycobacteria. Mycorrhizae. Mycotoxicoses. Myxobacteria. Myxococcus, Genetics. Natural Selection, Bacterial. Nitrogen Cycle. Nitrogen Fixation. Nodule Formation in Legumes. Nucleotide Metabolism. Nutrition of Microorganisms. Oil Pollution. Oncogenic Viruses. Oral Microbiology. Ore Leaching by Microbes. Origin of Life. Osmotic Stress. Outer Membrane, Gram-Negative Bacteria. Oxidative Stress. Paramyxoviruses. Patenting of Living Organisms and Natural Products. Pectinases. PEP: Carbohydrate Phosphotransferase Systems. Pesticide Biodegradation. Phloem-Limited Bacteria. Phosphorus Cycle. Photosensory Behavior. pH Stress. Phytophthora infestans. Phytoplasma. Pigments, Microbially Produced. Plague. Plant Disease Resistance: Natural Mechanisms and Engineered Resistance. Plant Pathogens. Plant Virology, Overview. Plasmids, Bacterial. Plasmids, Catabolic. Plasmodium. Polio. Polyketide Antibiotics. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Potyviruses. Powderey Mildews. Prions. Protein Biosynthesis. Protein Secretion. Protozoan Predation. Pseudomonas. Pulp and Paper. VOLUME 4 - Q-Z: Quorum Sensing in Gram-Negative Bacteria. Rabies. Ralstonia solanacearum. recA: The Gene and Its Protein Product. Recombinant DNA, Basic Procedures. Refrigerated Foods. Retroviruses. Rhinoviruses. Rhizoctonia. Rhizosphere. Ribosome Synthesis and Regulation. Rickettsiae. RNA Splicing, Bacterial. Rumen Fermentation. Rust Fungi. Secondary Metabolites. Selenium. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Skin Microbiology. Smallpox. Smuts, Bunts, and Ergot. Soil Dynamics and Organic Matter, Decomposition. Soil Microbiology. SOS Response. Space Flight, Effects on Microorganisms. Spirochetes. Spontaneous Generation. Sporulation. Staphylococcus. Starvation, Bacterial. Stock Culture Collections and Their Databases. Strain Improvement. Streptococcus pneumoniae. Streptomyces, Genetics. Stringent Response. Sulfide-Containing Environments. Sulfur Cycle. Surveillance of Infectious Diseases. Symbiotic Microorganisms in Insects. Syphilis, Historical. Temperature Control. Tetrapyrrole Biosynthesis in Bacteria. Timber and Forest Products. T Lymphocytes. Tospoviruses. Toxoplasmosis. Transcriptional Regulation in Prokaryotes. Transcription, Viral. Transduction: Host DNA Transfer by Bacteriophages. Transformation, Genetic. Transgenic Animal Technology. Translational Control and Fidelity. Transposable Elements. Trypanosomes. Two-Component Systems. Typhoid, Historical. Typhus Fevers and Other Rickettsial Diseases. Vaccines, Bacterial. Vaccines, Viral. Verticillium. Viruses. Viruses, Emerging. Virus Infection. Vitamins and Related Biofactors, Microbial Production. Wastewater Treatment, Industrial. Wastewater Treatment, Municipal. Water-Deficient Environments. Water, Drinking. Wine. Xanthomonas. Xylanases. Yeasts. Zoonoses. Contributors. Glossary. Index.
Customer Reviews
Dr. Joshua Lederberg is among the most eminent living biologists. He can be described as one of the founders of the field of bacterial genetics, which has become a crucial research area in modern biology. Leading genetics textbooks (e.g., Suzuki et al., Watson, et al.) will invariably begin the chapter on bacteria by describing the work of Lederberg and his colleagues, beacuse prior to their research, it had not even been established that bacteria had any means of exchanging genetic information, much less mechanisms by which this took place.In 1958, Joshua Lederberg received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for his discoveries concerning genetic recombination and the organization of the genetic material of bacteria." Drs. tatum and Beadle were co-recipients of the Prize.