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Academic & Professional Books  Natural History  Biography, Exploration & Travel

Ending in Ice The Revolutionary Idea and Tragic Expedition of Alfred Wegener

Biography / Memoir
By: Roger M McCoy(Author)
194 pages, 25 b/w photos, 9 b/w illustrations
Ending in Ice
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  • Ending in Ice ISBN: 9780195188578 Hardback Jul 2006 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-3 weeks
Price: £41.49
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About this book

An old truism holds that a scientific discovery has three stages: first, people deny it is true; then they deny it is important; finally, they credit the wrong person.

Alfred Wegener's "discovery" of continental drift went through each stage with unusual drama. In 1912, when he published his theory that the world's continents had once come together in a single landmass before splitting apart and floating to their current positions, the world's geologists denied and scorned it. The scientific establishment's rejection of continental drift and plate tectonic theory is a story told often and well. Yet, there is an untold side to Wegener's life: he and his famous father-in-law, Waldimir Koppen (climatologist whose classification of climates is still in use), became fascinated with ice ages and conducted four expeditions in the 1920s to the then – uncharted Greenland icecap to gather data about climate variations (Greenland ice-core sampling continues to this day).

Ending in Ice is about Wegener's explorations of Greenland, blending the science of ice ages and Wegener's continental drift measurements with the story of Wegener's fatal final expedition trying to rescue starving workers at the central Greenland ice station of Esmitte in 1930. Arctic exploration books with tragic endings have become all too common, but Ending in Ice combines the relevant science – now more important than ever as sudden temperature swings become movie-worthy (The Day After Tomorrow) – with Wegener's fatal adventures in Greenland.


1. Scientist and Explorer
2. Wegener's Shocking Idea
3. The World Reacts to Wegener's Idea
4. Preparing for Greenland
5. Arriving in Greenland
6. Establishing Eismitte
7. The Fourth Trip to Eismitte, September, 1930
8. Winter at East Station and West Station, 1930-1931
9. Winter at Eismitte
10. The Search for Wegener and Villumsen
11. Searching for Reasons
12. Remembering Wegener
13. Progress After 1960

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Customer Reviews

Biography / Memoir
By: Roger M McCoy(Author)
194 pages, 25 b/w photos, 9 b/w illustrations
Media reviews

"This is a revealing and expertly written book that deserves a wide audience [...]"
Polar Publishing, 2007

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