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Out of Print
Edited By: Jules Pretty
1664 pages, Four-Volume Set
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  • Environment ISBN: 9781412918428 Hardback May 2006 Out of Print #159187
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About this book

Explores the locations where the environment matters most, such as where people are poor, and where environments are under threat (such as on frontiers). This four-volume set also explores where there are few natural resources remaining, and where industrialization is rampant.

Volume One: Thinking and Knowing about the Environment and Nature
Volume Two: Managing the Environment
Volume Three: Valuing the Environment
Volume Four: Institutions, Processes and Policies for the Environment


Volume One: Thinking and Knowing about the Environment and Nature PART ONE: THE BIG PICTURE The Gaia Hypothesis - James Lovelock Biophilia and the Conservation Ethic - E O Wilson The Great Work - Thomas Berry Our Way into the Future What Is Nature? Culture, Politics and the Non-Human - Kate Soper Introduction Anthropocentrism, Humanism and Eco-Socialism - David Pepper A Blueprint for the Survival of Ecological Politics PART TWO: ETHICS AND ECOLOGY The Land Ethic - Aldo Leopold New Version of The New Ethics - Warwick Fox Ethics in a Gaian Context Feminism and Environmental Ethics - Mary Mellor A Materialist Approach Towards Inclusive Well-Being - Richard Bawden A Perspective on Social Ecology Anthrocentrism and Androcentrism - Val Plumwood Parallels and Politics PART THREE: LANGUAGE AND ECOLITERACY Language - Luisa Maffi A Resource for Nature Ecological Literacy - David Orr New Meanings for Old Knowledge - Madhav Gadgil et al The People's Biodiversity Registers Programme Coming to Knowing - David Peat American Geographies - Barry Lopez PART FOUR: PLACES AND THE WILD The Ghosts of Place - Michael Meyerfield Bell World Risk Society as Cosmopolitan Society - Ulrich Beck Radical American Environmentalism and 'Wilderness' Preservation - Ramachandra Guha A Third World Critique Taming the Wilderness Myth - Arturo G[ac]omez-Pompa and Andrea Kaus Where the Wild Things Are - Henry Buller The Evolving Iconography of Rural Fauna Volume Two: Managing the Environment PART ONE: CONSERVATION AND COMMUNITIES Rationalization and Conservation - Bill Adams Ecology and the Management of Nature in the United Kingdom National Parks and the Wolf - Karen Jones Conservation and Social Development - Krishna Ghimire An Assessment of Wolong and Other Panda Reserves in China Joint Forest Management in India and Its Ecological Impacts - K S Murali, Indu Murthy and N H Ravindranath Evaluation Studies of Joint Forest Management in India - K S Murali et al Social and Institutional Implications The Ambiguous Impact of Inequality on Local Resource Management - Jean-Marie Baland and Jean-Philippe Platteau PART TWO: AGRICULTURE AND ECOSYSTEMS Agro-Ecological Farming Systems in China - Li Wenhua The Quest for Ecological Modernization - Terry Marsden Re-Spacing Rural Development and Agri-Food Studies From Causes to Reasons - Niels R[um]oling Human Dimensions of Agricultural Sustainability Lessons of Cuban Resistance - Peter Rosset and Martin Bourque Reducing Food Poverty by Increasing Agricultural Sustainability in Developing Countries - James Morison and Rachel Hine PART THREE: MATERIALS AND ENERGY Capturing Carbon and Conserving Biodiversity - Ian Swingland, Eric Bettelheim and John O'Niles Introduction Salvage Harvesting Policies after Natural Disturbance - David Lindenmayer et al Meeting Europe's Climate Change Commitments - Pete Smith et al Quantitative Estimates of the Potential for Carbon Mitigation by Agriculture Atmospheric Change - Nigel Bell et al Effect on Plant Pests and Diseases Progress towards Sustainability? What the Conceptual Framework of Material and Energy Flow Accounting (MEFA) Can Offer - Helmut Haberl et al PART FOUR: DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE Beyond the Square Wheel - Stephen Brechin et al Reinventing a Square Wheel - Peter Wilhausen et al Critique of a Resurgent 'Protection Paradigm' in International Biodiversity Conservation A Tale of Two Wildernesses - Eric Higgs Urbanization in the Pacific - Chris Cocklin and Meg Keen Environmental Change, Vulnerability and Human Security Sustaining People and Places - Mardie Townsend and Cecily Maller Market or Community Failure? Critical Perspectives on Common Property Research - Bonnie McCay and Svein Jentoft Volume Three: Valuing the Environment PART ONE: VALUES OF NATURE From One Earth to One World - The World Commission on Environment and Development The Value of the World's Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital - Robert Costanza et al Identifying Critical Natural Capital - Paul Ekins, Carl Folke and Rudolf De Groot How Nature Contributes to Mental and Physical Health - Jules Pretty The Loss of Floral and Faunal Story - Gary Nabhan and Sara St Antoine PART TWO: METHODS AND MEASUREMENT On Measuring Economic Values for Nature - Nancy Bockstael et al Does Part-Whole Bias Exist? An Experimental Investigation - Ian Bateman et al Footprints on the Earth - Richard York, Eugene Rosa and Tom Deitz The Environmental Consequences of Modernity IPPC and Intensive Pig Production in England and Wales - Tiago Pellini and Joe Morris Compliance Costs, Emission Abatement and Affordability The Economic Benefits of Pesticides - Herman Waibel, Gerd Fleischer and Heinrich Becker A Case Study from Germany PART THREE: THE COST OF EXTERNALITIES Internalizing the Societal Costs of Food Production - Fred Buttel Economic Analysis of Environmental Benefits of Integrated Pest Management - Leah Cuyno, George Norton and Agnes Rola A Philippine Case Study 'Silent Spring' - Chapter 1 and Chapter 8 - Rachel Carson Farm Costs and Food Miles - Jules Pretty et al An Assessment of the Environmental Costs of the UK Food System Urban Sprawl and Public Health - Howard Frumkin PART FOUR: POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT Environmental Sustainabilities - Andrew Dobson A Typology Sustainable Land Use and Incentive-Driven Conservation - Jon Hutton and Nigel Leader-Williams Re-Aligning Human and Conservation Interests Conservation and the Lure of the Garden - Eric Freyfogle Lifting the Veil on Perverse Subsidies - Norman Myers European Environmental Taxes and Charges - Paul Ekins Recent Experience, Issues and Trends Volume Four: Institutions, Processes and Policies for the Environment PART ONE: FRAMEWORKS AND THE STATE A Framework for Scaling and Farming Policy Problems in Sustainability - Steve Dovers Environmental Transformation of the State - John Dryzek et al The United States, Norway, Germany and the United Kingdom Biting More Than Chewing - Tim O'Riordan Transforming Institutions for Sustainability A Green Field for Criminology - Nigel South The Discourse Ethic and the Problem of Representing Nature - Robyn Eckersley PART TWO: COMMUNITIES AND THE COMMONS The Tragedy of the Commons - Garret Hardin The Japanese Experience with Scarcity - Margaret McKean Management of Traditional Common Lands The Struggle to Govern the Commons - Thomas Dietz, Elinor Ostrom and Paul Stern Rethinking Community-Based Conservation - Fikret Berkes Social Capital and the Collective Management of Resources - Jules Pretty PART THREE: TRANSFORMING AGRICULTURE AND COMMUNITIES Participatory Learning for Sustainable Agriculture - Jules Pretty Sustainable Rural Life and Agro-Ecology, Santa Catarina State, Brazil - Sergio Pinheiro et al Social Connectedness in Marginal Rural China - Wu Bin and Jules Pretty The Case of Farmer Innovation Circles in Zhidan, North Shaanxi Farmer Participatory Integrated Watershed Management - S P Wani et al Adarsha Watershed, Kothapally, India Agri-Environmental Stewardship Schemes and 'Multifunctionality' - Tom Dobbs and Jules Pretty PART FOUR: DECISIONS AND POLICIES The Voluntary Provision of a Pure Public Good - James Murdoch and Todd Sandler The Case of Reduced CFC Emissions and the Montreal Protocol Unintended Impacts of Public Investments on Private Decisions - Rob Stavins and Adam Jaffe The Depletion of Forested Wetlands The Post-Corporate World - David Korten Knowledge, Policy-Oriented Learning and Policy Change - Paul Sabatier An Advocacy Coalition Framework Can We Democratise Decisions on Risk and the Environment? - Albert Weale

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Out of Print
Edited By: Jules Pretty
1664 pages, Four-Volume Set
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